Man-Made Global Warming?

Im on the fence when it comes to Man-made global warming. After seeing Al Gores movie and the constant media coverage I was almost convinced. That was until I read a few reports.

****Before you answer, No one is saying that the temp. isn't riseing. The differnce of opinion is in what is making it rise.



****Am I going to have to treat some of you like kids?

I will repeat, no one is saying the temp. is not rising. The QUESTION IS------WHAT IS THE CAUSE------

Violent weather patterns are a symptom of global warming. Correct

But is global warming man-made?

This responce was brought to you by Oracls stupid a**!


Richard S. Lindzen

I don't really care about this guy. Understand a cornerstone in the thinking of global warming theorists is that there is a consensus. The numerous reports I presented dispute that consensus. These aren't columnists these are scientists, climatologist. None of us are climatologist; we can only read their ideas and determine what seems reasonable.


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No offense--but you didn't list one single valid source. To take two examples: wikipedia is NOT reliable--and the "cato institute" is a political propaganda mill, and whether you're liberal or conservative, certainly not a science source.

There are lots of legitimate scientific sites out there that provide SCIENTIFIC information, not political rhetoric. The fact that you are willing to check what you here (including Al Gore or anyone else) is great. But you're wasting your time if you don't check valid sources. And for science, you need to go to the scientists.

An easy way to do this is to use Google Scholar to search for articles on the topic. since these are exclusively drawn from academic and other reputable publications, they are genrally reliable.

Another hint--pay attention to the date of publication. Like any other topic of scientific study, global warming went through a process of debate and investigation until enough research was done to enable scientists to reach a consensus. So in ANY area, not just global warming, the further back you go, the more you will see debate on the subject. Recent work (2000 and later--is virtually unanimous: global warming is real, and is caused by human activity. That debate is over.


some simple facts ever sat under a tree on a forty degree day if your sitting under a giant oak with layers and layers of leaves shading each other and collecting water from well below the surface and transpiring like a huge evaporative cooler and youl no that that tree can drop the temperature beneth it by about fifteen degrees twenty meres away it is stil five degrees cooler and if you new that currently world wide we cut down 300 million hectares of evaporative cooling and replant less than three million hectares then you would have to say we are conributing to global warming and if people think that planting a few trees here and there will help and that carbon out puts have even the slightest resemblance to the cause of global warming then there missing the biggest and most obvious cause of climate change and thats not were it ends every tree on the plnet acts as wind resistance and moderates wther paterns large open areas allow heat to radiate into the atmosphere that stops it raining in those areas and then rain cloads atracted to mountains unload all there water there and create avalances as we have seen dont have time to write it all here but theres a quick overview


First, the ozone layer is not a big issue anymore, CFC's are the only chemical that damages it, CO2 and all the other greenhouse gasses don't effect it, and since CFC's are now banned in aerosols and emissions of them are carefully controlled, the emissions of CFCs are now longer a big issue. Anyway there is a hell of a lot of evidence that mankind is a contributor to the rise in CO2 from the increased burning of hydrocarbons, there is also a link between CO2 emissions and global temperature, ( as one goes up the other does) Now this could be coincidence that the planet has only started warming significantly since the industrial revolution and these trends seen are nothing more than coincidence, but judging from the history of the earth I would say this is not likely.


Man is being a little pretentious thinking he has altered the Earth's temperature.There's no question a warming going on. Over time it will be followed by a cooling, which in turn will be followed by yet another warming and so on. There is nothing to panic about. The world as we know it will not end. We are not all going to perish as a result of this warming trend. Just about everything we understand to date has a pattern. This wave pattern occurs often in nature, including ocean waves, sound waves, and light waves.All of these can be graphed or illustrated with a sine wave, and as a result can then be monitored and analyzed. In the case of global temperature we just don't have enough accurate data yet to ''plot'' a pattern which would help us predict coming changes. Don't forget, the only accurate recorded data we have dates back only about 100 years, everything else is just theories and guesswork. As far as the warming? Mother Nature is the culprit.


Basically, you have nailed it. This particular warming cycle (one of many) has been going on for 12,000 years. Humans did not start it and contribute practically nothing to it.


Al Gore points the finger at rising Carbon Dioxide as a cause, yet that is a lie. The CO2 levels start to rise about 800 years after a warming cycle starts.

Why does Al Gore push his Big Lie? Money. He is founder and Chairman of Generation Investment Management, a company set up to receive those 'carbon offset' payments. He will trick the stupid people into supporting government taxation for 'carbon offsets' and that money will go to Al Gore's company.

If it were Dick Cheney doing this, he would be burned in effigy. The morons on the Left are too devoted to their icon to reject this obvious chicanery and they will drag the rest of us down with their foolishness.

In the distant past, when the Earth was much warmer than today, it was covered by lush jungles and gigantic critters (dinosaurs). This sure beats the devastation of the ice ages that covered the land with a mile of ice.

Global Warming = A Greenhouse

Life loves a greenhouse.

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