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ToMo asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Man made global warming SCAM?

In the last 100 years temperature of the earth has risen about 0.5 deg celcius. The greatest increase was during the time when carbon dioxide emmisions were still relatively low. Carbon dioxide is not proven to alter the climate in any way.

Global warming is definately happening, but are we really the cause? is man made global warming a money making scam?


I am basing this question on a recent controversial documentary where hundreds of scientists are arguing it. I do not believe nor disbelieve hense the question not the statement. all i have given is facts

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The idea that Humanity is responsible for (or attributing to) Global Warming is false.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a necessary chemical for the stability of the atmoshpere.

    Earth's climate has always been dymanic and is changing all the time.

    There's no such thing as a "stable climate".

    The theory of Man-made Global Warming is promoted by elites

    (Rothschild family, Al Gore,.. etc), to induce a tax on peoples' lives.

    They also want it for the micromanagement of all human beings...

    Humans, and all other animals, -breathe- and -exhale-,

    which causes carbon to be released into the atmosphere.

    Trees, and all plants, need Carbon Dioxide. In fact, all life do.

    It's a basic neccessity for Life to exist on this planet.

    We're now currently at a CO2 starved level. The planet needs much higher levels.

    In the past, we've had up to 14 times higher levels of Carbon Dioxide.

    "We are at one of our lowest levels of CO2 in the six billion-year history of the Earth. In fact, in the last 200,000 years, CO2 has been up to 14 times higher than it is at the moment. Plants live longer and are stronger and healthier with more CO2."

    Nature thrives with more CO2...

    The people (the 'elite') who are promoting, and pushing the Man-made

    Global Warming hysteria, use it as a tool for controlling society.

    For example, the founder of the Club of Rome said in 1991 that he wanted

    "Global Warming" as an excuse to blame Humanity for all the environmental

    problems on this planet, because it makes humanity the Enemy.

    The people pushing the Global Warming hysteria are Eugenicists.

    They hate humanity.

    And wants to murder at least 90% of us. Just go read what the Georgia Guidestones says for example. Or hear what Ted Turner said in 1996; "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal".

    The idea of Man-made Global Warming is anti-human, and anti-life.

    It only serves political power, dictators, and the push for a One World Government.

    It's pro-death.

    The bottomline is: Global Warming is not caused by humans.

    Global Warming has happened it the past, and will happen in the future.

    It is a natural part of a planets life.

    The Sun is heating up all planets in the entire solar system.

    Without the Sun, everything in our system would be dead and cold.

    When the sun goes through heating-up cycles, it's only natural

    that all planets, including Earth, get warmer as a result.

    The Global Warming Hysteria (GWH, if you'd like) also distracts from the REAL

    environmental issues like rainforest depletion, ocean poisoning, genetic engineering,

    toxic waste, aspartame, fluoride being added to the water supply, etc,...

    In case you do not believe me -- just read the sources.

    And do your own research.

    Eventually you'll come to the same horrifying conclusion.


  • 1 decade ago

    Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, is a case in point. Our government and the educational establishment appeared to be quite relaxed about this being shown in our secondary schools. That is, until a school governor from Kent contested it in the High Court. Mr Justice Burton identified nine significant errors, and said that some of Mr Gore's claims had arisen in the context of alarmism and exaggeration. He went on to say that the apocalyptic vision was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change. Specifically he took issue with the claim that sea levels could rise 20 feet 'in the near future', when such a rise would only take place after over 1,000 years.

    Sexing up the global warming story is seen as a legitimate tactic to hog media attention. If you exaggerate a story enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. This leaves little space for alternative views to be aired.

    However, there is an inconvenient truth for Mr Gore. Astronomers have noted in 1998 that Triton, Neptune's largest moon, seemed to have heated up significantly since it was visited by the Explorer space probe in 1989. Moreover, in 2002 it was reported that the temperature on Pluto had risen by two degrees Celsius in 14 years. Furthermore, in 2005 NASA confirmed that the CO2 'ice caps' near Mars' South Pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row. Warming, yes. Man-made? Certainly not.

    So what do you think? I certainly think not.

    Here are more articles regarding your question.


    Well, actually google this:

    Global Warming>true or untrue

    Global Warming>Inconvenient truth or convenient fiction?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are the cause although the Co2 theory is seriously flawed and we just couldn't see it with our visiblw spectrum.

    The Co2 theory says we are trapping heat atmospherically with emissions. The reality is that we are generating extreme heat on the SURFACE of the planet with each new building or development.

    Solar radiation including the same UV that burns our skin is interacting with absorbent, exterior finishes and generating heat the building isn't designed or insulated for. We are reacting to the symptoms with ozone depleting refrigerants, more emissions and electrical waste. California makes the news for being knocked off the electrical grid in the summer? 100% of it is avoidable, they are reacting to heat symptoms.

    The reason you think global warming is a scam is because education, academia and every professional in the world is blind to the temperature issues because of lack of objective science.

    Go to the following link and see where we are generating heat that is changing weather. Paint your own home or plant trees but we have to stop allowing solar radiation from scorching the surface of the planet. We have to STOP removing the ground cover(trees and everything living) it was designed to keep the temperatures down. Go and see what shade does. Thermografix Consulting Corporation completed several years of advanced temperature imaging to verify solar impact and energy use associated with it. Go to the link and see what is missing in your area or home. Buying a home, make sure it has landscaping, bargain for it or make sure the paints aren't generating heat. Here is Thermografix's letter to the Western Climate Initiative telling Governors and Premiers they are missing critical data related to climate change.

    Canada isn't reporting what their scientists are reporting to them on climate change, here is Thermografix's press release regarding the United Nations Meeing in Bali

    The planet and environment that allows us to live and breathe is in more trouble than is being reported.

    Source(s): Building Design/Engineering & Construction Electrical Energy Provision Advanced Thermography since 1979 I design for the emissions created
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Why don´t you go back to high school and ask your physics teacher for a spectral absorbtion/emission lab???

    Why do you think that Venus is much warmer than mercury, although it is further away from the Sun? Does this perhaps have to do with the composition of its atmosphere?

    Do you know that at geologic period the earth had around 1000 ppm of CO2-equivalent concentrations, global average temperatures were 10°C higher (we presently have roughly 360 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere).


    How can global warming be triggered by anything else than us???

    ---> Solar radiation has been proven not to have changed this significantly over the last 150 years (solar cycles are much shorter anyway).

    ---> The only other possibility to alter the energy balance of the earth is through the intensity of its greenhouse effect


    ===> FROM THERE you can either come to a rational conclusion or hide your head in the sand.

    Source(s): PS: Approach everything from a critical mind, INCLUDING your documentary. It is easier to get people to believe what they like than the crude truth... As a kid, I also invented alternative realities and explanations to escape my duties and responsabilities. PS2: I can find you hundreds of people with a geology degree in the US who think the earth is 6000 years old... PS3: Give me $10,000 and I make you a documentary skeptic of the gravity theory.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course man made global warming is a scam, why do you think they're pushing it even harder now that things have cooled off. We've reached the end of a warming cycle and now it's making people desperate to prove it's still happening so they can still call non-believers names. And when it really settles down, people will wake up and Al Gore won't get his vast fortune by us paying him carbon credits.

  • poop
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1 In the last 100 years the temperature has risen ~1 degree celsius

    2 The greatest increase, ~75% of it, has occured in the last 30 years (refer to link previously posted)

    3 Carbon Dioxide is a PROVEN greenhouse gas, therefore it's PROVEN to affect climate

    edit: billybob: it wasn't warmer in the medieval warm period.

    Seriously, where do you people hear this misinformation? Rush Limbaugh? Pat Robertson??

  • 1 decade ago

    To be safe we must be careful with what we pollute the air with. This way if we are wrong then we will not be in dangerous levels anyway. As there is nothing to lose. but if we are right then we will be safe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure it's a scam, their was less C02 circulating in the atmosphere 1000 years ago during the medieval warm period and it was warmer then.the correlation between C02 and warming is very weak, you would have to have at least ten times the amount circulating in the atmosphere to make any real dent in the global temperature.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Believers in the AGW claim that it is science.

    It is not science because the researchers who actually took the time to measure the absorption properties of CO2 concluded that it's not significant enough to cause a measurable effect on climate.

    AGW is an incomplete theory, it relies on something that we haven't discovered yet causing significant warming. AGW is either speculation or a matter of faith.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh sure! and here in the philippines, a college professor claims that global warming is 'natural' and not man-made!

    >>>another one of those hundreds of geniuses who claims that global warming is not something to be worried about >:(

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