Pregnancy or just not feeling well at all?

I just finished my period. The last time I had sex was exactly a month ago. It was at the end of my period that I started feeling crummy, headache turned into a migraine, and my stomach is killing me. Its been 3 days since the symtoms started. I know my nerves are on edge due to my husband's deployment, which he's been gone a month. We were careful our last time together, but still, you know nothing is fool proof. My boobs aren't hurting, its just my stomach and eyes.


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your eyes and your stomach? I think is something to do with what you ate sometime ago. Its just not possible that you have gotten pregnant. The time when its possible is gone. If you have been feeling overworked lately, its easier to assume its stress symptoms. But i still recommend you go and see your doctor. if its on one side of the stomach, above the navel, the sickness may be attributed to the appendix. See your doctor for expert advice. good luck.


If you've had a period since the sex, you aren't pregnant. Your stressed & nervrous, all with good reason. I'd say that's what your symtoms are due to.


You could just be feeling this way due to stress or other factors, but just to make sure you should probably take a pregnancy test just to make sure.
I hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay.


Go to the doctor. I am guessing you are not pregnant, but more likely viral infection of some sort.


some early signs are sore breasts, absent period, sleepy. and not to mention nausea. my daughter did not find out untill she was about 4 months along. she has irregular periods, so she thought it was her intestines, or the bladder giving her trouble. since she is a parapalegic, she thought it was related to that.........

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