I'm curious about why some people answer certain questions...?

I've been answering a lot of questions that go along with the line of work that I am in...I'm a body piercer and apprenticing tattoo artist, and I know my stuff. I'm wondering though why so many people that really have no clue what they are talking about offer up advice to people who ask a legit question about tattooing or body piercing.

It has always boggled my mind as to why someone can get a piercing or get a tattoo and all of a sudden they think they are the world's leading authority on proper proceedure and proper care when they have never spent a day of their life apprenticing and taking courses/intensives to improve their skills.

If you have no clue what you are talking about then why are you giving these people misleading and sometimes dangerous information? Also, why do the ones of you who do this, feel the need to insult the people who give the correct information?


It's not so much as wanting/needing to find a new forum. I'm just really curious as to why the ones who do this, feel like they need to give misleading information, and also why the feel like they ahve to be rude about it.

Something else, I'm a professional, I do this daily, and when I give information, I'm not giving information that I "think" is right but information that I know is right and a lot of times I've been the only answerer who gave the right information and someone who gave a horrible really bad idea type answer was choosen as best answer....which makes me wonder how many of the people that ask questions on here, actually take the time to further research information they are given before doing what was suggested and not even close to being what should have been done?


To CryNoMore....I'm not concerned about the points, I'm concerned with the fact that it's bad enough that people don't listen to us pro's when we give them aftercare instructions after being pierced/tattooed, but it's really bad that when they come here looking for real, and right answers, they get a load of bull from people who haven't a clue.

It seriously boggles my mind why people think that they know everything there is to know about everything, when deep down they know that they really know nothing at all of which they are speaking about. I wouldn't be answering questions here if I didn't genuinely wish to give correct information that may prevent some potentially serious problems that can arise with piercings, I just wish however that people who really don't know what they are talking about didn't answer questions pertaining to the things they don't know about....

If that makes any sense at all....


Favorite Answer

people just do it so they can act smart. and TRY to give advice


This is a risk you take when you post on Yahoo Answers. People can answer whatever questions they want and get 2 points for it. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of children on here who don't take the concept seriously. If you want serious answers/feedback, maybe you should find a different forum.

Edit: After reading your comments, I still feel that this should not be the be-all/end-all forum for seeking or giving advice for potentially serious matters. I appreciate getting feedback from people, but it's by no means a reliable source. Good for you for giving the "correct" advice, but if the asker actually is dumb enough to take advice from ANYONE on here, it's at his or her own risk. How do I know *you* really are the authority on tattooing, you know? Anyway, my advice is just don't take things too seriously on here.


To be honest with you, I've have piercings and tattoos and give advice based on my experience. I let them know that too.
Those people you're talking about are just trying to get points off Yahoo Answers. It's dumb, yes, but it's a fact.

Ms Ghost2007-06-18T22:40:53Z

The askers would be wise enough to judge which answers are good for them.

Don't worry about it, unless you're worried your 10 points would go to an "unprofessional" answerer.

Jenny June2007-06-18T22:13:29Z

I think you are hilarious.... but come on... people answer questions because we think we know everything. Now about insulting people for answering, I have no idea, I would say that some people just have way too much time on their hands... hey, people are dumb. hope you feel better.

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