How do I start Dating?

I was married for 25 years, have been with only one man. I am scared to death to start dating...HELP!

Ms. Mimsie2007-07-11T06:27:05Z

Favorite Answer

You might just want to start getting into activities where you can meet people, like clubs, classes or singles groups. Then just meet a variety of people, talk with them and see what you have in common. Then things can progress naturally from there.


I can only begin to imagine the anxiety that must accompany 'getting back in the game'.

First of all, just like when you were younger, have confidence in yourself. Realize what you have to offer is something someone will want; something someone will cherish.

Secondly, do not be discouraged if a few gentleman do not seem interested, as not everyone is looking for the same thing in life or in a partner.

Thirdly, remember that the other person might be just as nervous as you. It might be an easy ice breaker to mention how nervous you are.

Good luck to you. I am sure many of us answerers will be rooting for you to find love and happiness!