Why was the buying a plasma screen with pennies pulled due to "community guidelines?"?

What was offensive in it?


Wow I starred? Thanks! LOL
Just an FYI though which I was bringing up from the original poster of the question. A private entity/business whatever can refuse ANY form of legal tender. Thus stores saying "Nothing larger than a $20" Or articles about courts refusing 40 pound in loose pennies installments from a convicted driver in the courts. The ONLY people that have to accept pennies as far as I can tell right now, or any denomination is the Federal Government...They created it, they have to accept it. Something to think about next time you pay your taxes :) (If this isn't the case, please let me know )

ףαdy Đuchess×2007-07-18T07:53:01Z

Favorite Answer

hey, it was a good question! i actually might do that myself someday. it's funny how they take down those questions, but don't seem to be bothered by the questions that really do have offensive stuff.

Space Alien Frerp2007-07-18T14:50:26Z

Maybe someone misread the question and thought a penny was actually something else?

Sweet Dreams2007-07-18T14:48:37Z

maybe buying something expensive with the lowest coin in america could bring plagues and famine across the country.


Who knows? I've got violations so stupid I figure that they have censors in Bangladesh that can read English, does not understand English.


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