Why Did Modern Religions Appear So Late in Human History?
Besides Judism, why did the more modern Western Religions apprear so late in human history? If God wanted to be worshipped why did Christianity not become popular until after 200 ACE, and then why did God wait to send the Archangel to Mohammed in the 600's ACE?
Soul Shaper2007-09-09T08:31:22Z
Favorite Answer
Religion has morphed through the ages as man has grown in intellect. Since early man began putting supernatural meaning to the heavens, man has held some form of early religion and worship. We have evolved into the light of understanding with divine revelations to mankind.
God's true religion was on the Earth at the time of Adam. Over time, people became rebellious and the truth was lost. From time to time, God called various prophets to bring people back to the truth. I suppose if all humans were perfect, the religion that started with Adam would still be the only one on the Earth today, and everyone would belong to the same faith. However, because of disobedience and apostasy, the truth became distorted by a myriad of man-made doctrines. True believers were rejected and killed. The Bible predicts that there would be an apostasy from the truth, and it is evident that this has happened. But the Bible also predicts that the truth would be restored to the Earth once again in the last days. It's all a part of God's plan.
These denominations all appeared during the time, that the man or men who thought them up, lived. True religion is a way of life, which is revealed thru the Holy Spirit.
People had to disagree and come up with teaching their own Jesus Christ with a lot of man-made doctrines, these things take time to figure out who would fall for it.