Why can't I link to wikipedia anymore?

Ok, all of a sudden when I put a link to wikipedia in an answer I get

error 999
You may want to scan your system for spyware and viruses, as they may interfere with your ability to connect to Yahoo!. For detailed information on spyware and virus protection, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center.
This problem may be due to unusual network activity coming from your Internet Service Provider. We recommend that you report this problem to them.

What's up with that? I can still link to Encarta or Britannica but not to wikipedia!?!? Is wikipedia on Yahoo's ****-list all of a sudden? Does anyone know?


Just got a mail from Yahoo;


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

We're sorry you've had difficulty accessing Yahoo!. The error you
received is typically caused by unusual activity from either your
computer or your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to Yahoo!. "

No it isn't! Stop lying! It's because there's a link to wikipedia in my answer, I remove the link, no problem, put the link back, error 999, remove it, no problem, put it back, error 999... Don't tell me it's my firewall or virusscanner, it's you guys!!

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-11-01T08:20:39Z

Favorite Answer

OK, here is the deal. Error999 is what is called a 'throughput' error. It means that a certain link is either BANNED completely or has been 'overly posted' within a certain time period. Not necessarily by YOU -- but on the entire site. This sometimes happens with WIKI -- and also with things like the YA Support email address even, because it is posted so MUCH. This filter is put in place to stop spam postings on this site, but sometimes other overposted links will also get caught. Youtube postings is another one that frequently causes an Error999. Usually, you simply need to wait a little while, the throughput level will drop -- and you can then post the link again. See:


Watch the updating. Refreshing the page too many times or messing with old content might cause this error. Too much Yahoo activity from your computer/network is sometimes the cause. It may take some time to reset - a few hours to a day.

Also, if you try to link to a site that blocks hotlinking (like some YouTube and Google pages), the error will come up. Simply, Wikipedia hotlinking might have been disabled (temporarily or not, that part isn't certain). Just try posting without the link, then the error will likely disappear right away.

A good explanation of the Error 999 code is available at http://www.murraymoffatt.com/software-problem-0011.html with possible solutions for fixing the problem via your computer.

Good luck!


Okay, I'm not sure if this will help you, but I had the same problem. First, I'm not really sure how you're trying to link in, I've tried and am having the same problem - try to remove any add-ons and cookies that look bit 'odd'. Other than that, try contacting your I.S.P. , (especially if you're on AOL - as your I.S.P. is not fully yours with them). Personally, I think it is just a temporary error as it said in my 999 message, so hold tight for a bit to see if it is resovled. Good Luck


I've linked to wikipedia in my responses without a problem, but it does appear that Y!A is in the process of jumping the shark. I give it 'till christmas and it'll be worthless.