Question about a doctor's behavior,?

My wife being 10 weeks pregnant began noticing some light spotting, I mean very light. the next morning, it had increased substansually and feeling some cramping. We took her to her OBGYN. Now note, we still owe $240 for recent visits. We are not disputing or trying to hide from paying it. We are paying on it, I guess not as fast as he wants because we live on a tight budget. When I got her to the doctor's office, he refused to see her because we owed the amount and made it clear that he wouldn't until the balance was paid. "that we could go to the emergency room" Being the symptoms my wife is having is signs of a miscarriage, he showed no concern of my wife's condition or for the child she is carrying. We did go the the ER and found out everything is fine. It was just the principle of he refused to see her due the the current circumstances. Im considering writing a complaint to the state medical review board. It felt like the money was more important


My apologizies, I ment to say in my origional discription, we did get another doctor.


we do have insurance, we have been paying on what is left.


Favorite Answer

Lord, he's a doctor. Doesn't he make enough money!!! What's $240 when it comes to a baby's life?!?!
Switch doctors, seriously. Switch! If this is how he is now at 10 weeks, imagine what he'll be like when she's in labor!
Nothing worse than a bad doctor or nursing staff while you're in labor and postpartum.
I was blessed with a wonderful medical team, but my friend wasn't so lucky. They were so rude and inconsiderate.
I would honestly find another doctor. It's still early enough for her to switch. If you keep this greedy moron you're asking for it.
Man, I would like to think that some doctors go into their line of work to help people, not for money... but uh... you have to wonder with people like this.


I don't believe they can refuse services based on money owed. Especially not such a paltry amount, the bills add up very quickly that's the point of payments. If her prenatal was not paid by the time she went in to labor would he refuse to be the doctor for delivery?
It's outrageous behaviour on his part, if have any other options don't go back.
Most doctors haven't a clue as to the state of bills and payments anyhow they have compnies that do nothing but handle billing, if no payments are made it goes to collections and the doctor is never the wiser.
Thank heavens it wasn't serious, best wishes to you all, your definately getting the right start by writing a formal complaint, good luck


What a ****** of a doctor shows where his concern is like $240.00 is gonna hurt his pocket, find a new doctor then pay him $1 a week till the balance is paid in full. and try to see if your wife will qualify for state assistance for the pregnacy so it wont be a big expense on you guys and this wont be a problem, your a great husband and did a good job taking care of your wife , I would also send a copy of the Hyprocratic Oath with each $1 dollar payment to the scuuum bagg


That is ridiculous! Get a different doctor. I had a misunderstanding with my insurance company and when I went in for my routine OB appt., it showed my balance was $306, but they went ahead and let me have my check-up. They said I could pay it later, or call the insurance to see what was up... If it is an emergency, the money shouldn't matter right then.


I would, that is BS I would of been pissed, as long as you are paying on a bill he should have NO reason to not see you. Even so he is still her doctor reguardless and people's health should of come first! But that is just my personal opinion it isn't based on any law which I don't know if thats legal for him to even turn her might be, but I would defidently look into getting a new doctor the last thing you want is for your wife to be in labor and have some moron doctor refuse to deliver it because you still owe $100 bucks. Good Luck!

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