Global Warming?
China battles "coldest winter in 100 years"
I wonder what it would be like if not for "global warming"?
China battles "coldest winter in 100 years"
I wonder what it would be like if not for "global warming"?
Favorite Answer
I'm all for getting new energy sources that reduce our dependance on foriegn oil, cars that get better milage, and lots of other things but what Al Gore refers to as global warming is nothing but a cycle Mother Nature is going through. The earth has been warmer and colder. CO2 has been higher and lower and Mother Nature has handled it for millions if not billions of years.
We are idiots if we think we are going to really change things to suit us.
Yeah... It drives me crazy. No matter what weather extreme... cold or hot... the global warming zealots still manage to make it fit their belief system.
A few years ago they said global warming caused the hurricane season that created Katrina. Now there is a study out that says global warming is causing the relatively calm hurricane season we've had for the last couple of years.
They just don't KNOW, but that doesn't stop them, does it?
Climate Change is happening. Possibly what is going on in China is a good example. Don't hand me all the crap one person hustled to make a buck. Think about conditions on Earth that produced first snow flake, and what will happen one day if those factors no longer exist.
Then it would be the COLDEST winter in 1000 years! *laughter*
Haven't you heard? The fright industry has changed the name to "global climate change". Now they can blame all weather on mankind.