Why do I feel like an artist, hiding in a painting???


I drew a picture today after work!!!!

I am speaking in a non-literal sense.


Favorite Answer

You are becoming aware of predestination and seeing life as a show that keeps happening with you in it. Good for you. The purpose of life is Entertainment for God, which is all of us beings and non beings wherever we are....and you are in the painting!

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine
In Forgive Affirmed Spirit


I thought the question
"What type of haircuts to Christians get on their death bed"
was weird...well maybe it still *is* a bit weirder, but this is kinda weird too.

I love when artists during the Renaissance did that in their paintings...


I am not an Artist, but know some. from what I'm reading from the question is you don't know how to finish it, or its; not what your minds eye saw, AND from knowing a couple artist they are very hard on themselves. even when they do great work.DISCLAIMER: THIS IS IF I'M READING YOUR QUESTION RIGHT. AND AS I SAID I AM NO ARTIST SO I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ANSWERR , IGNORE ANSWE ,IF i DON' KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT UMMM it's GETTING LATE !!


because you are one, people will judge you for your answers and questions, they dont care who you really are.

If you want to be the artist you gotta turn off the computer


ok, maybe you trapped your soul in a Dorian Gray type painting?

hide it in your attic and never look at it again


Because you always smell the paint in your room. come out and have fresh air. then you will find yourself out of the painting.

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