What do you think about Rockin Roller coaster at Disney World?

What did you think of the ride? Do you recommend it? Did it make you motion sick? Oh, and where do you put your camcorder -is there a compartment under the seat??


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I love RnRC it is a very smooth RC ride I hate ones that are bumpy.... Love the acceleration in the beginning

They do not have a slot for camcorders I would leave it with a non rider or you can bring a small bag and hide it near your legs


Rockin Roller Coaster was great, especially by the standards of a basic theme park ride. We all loved it & I highly recommend it as the best ride at Disney World. No motion sickness, you're completely in the dark so you can't anticipate scary moments up ahead making it basically stress free for non-seasoned roller coaster riders. As for the camcorder, all of the Disney rides have a pouch near the floor for you to put your belongings in. Have fun!


i LOVE IT! I think it is great because i love Aerosmith and i think Steven Tyler is phenominal! I would definitly recommend it! I never get motion sickness, so it worked out great for me. The takeoff is so excellent! There is a compartment and it is in front of you and theres elastic at the top so it doesnt fall out. I recommend taking either fast passes OR getting into the single rider line because its not like your going to talk to your buddy on the ride. So just go alone! Most of the time, they will put you guys together.

Me and my brother do that and we usually go with a party of 2 or 6 and they usually put us together but in different rows and the family is nice enough to switch so me and my brother will be in the same row anyways :)

But if you have back problems and heart problems, i wouldnt ride it. Also if your pregnant, dont ride it. Back problems because the seats are very straight and dont really have an angle. Heart problems because your in the dark and you will see some lights, which could react differently to your heart and when your pregnant because the loops could hurt and it could affect the baby.


Ive been 10 times and going for the 11th in 11 days :)


If you like roller coasters I would definitely recommend it. It is the most unique coaster out there. It won't make you any more motion sick as any other coaster, but if you tend to get sick, take a motion sickness pill. Yes, I believe there are compartments under the seat.


It really wasn't that great after spending 3 hours in line waiting. It was like a minute or two long. I wouldn't miss it, just make sure to get a fast pass for it. We got one for Tower of Terror instead, so we couldn't get another one until after we went on tower of terror and by that time the fast passes were all gone. Get a fast pass AS SOON AS YOU GET IN THE PARK. Or else you might have to spend your whole day waiting in line. Definitely not fun. And no, the roller coaster wasn't very scary and didn't make me sick. And yes there is a compartment, all disney rides have one... I would recommend bringing an ipod to the park so you have something to do while you are waiting in line. My brother did and he was lucky cuz he actually had something to do for the three hours in line.

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