Does anyone else have this same sense here?

Where have all the Poets Gone?

I read so much, that says so little
and wonder why after, it mattered.

I try to be respectful, even kindly subtle
while knowing so many wish to be flattered.

Through stumbling quatrains, points of order
and yawning attempts at some sonnet

I so often wonder if perhaps
a cord is to tight in ones bonnet.

It's becoming more rare in my viewing
to see anything worthy of posting

and with all due respect, so much posted here
should be for no more than roasting.

(Admittedly this can be as well)

Steven Wolf
Just my 2 "sense"


Favorite Answer


© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2008-04-03T22:21:36Z

I marked a couple of places in your 2 sense poem.
Poets may be holding on to their best writing to be used elsewhere so that yahoo cannot assume ownership -- which is ludicrous anyway --
Or you may be reading with a critical eye rather than as a part of the poet/poem.

I edit -- and when I am deep into editing, I find errors in everything I read -- it is hard to break from the editor in me to be a reader. This may be why you see so little of value in what you have been reading lately.

I read so much, that says so little
and wonder why after, it mattered. -- why the comma??

I try to be respectful, even kindly subtle
while knowing so many wish to be flattered.

Through stumbling quatrains, points of order
and yawning attempts at some sonnet

I so often wonder if perhaps
a cord is to tight in ones bonnet. <-- too tight

It's becoming more rare in my viewing
to see anything worthy of posting

and with all due respect, so much posted here
should be for no more than roasting.


And with all due respect, I see very little critique from a lot of the elders in poetry here, and when I do see it, it is to their own circle of friends, and the occassional posting of this merit. My writing may not meet the standards of good, but I have taken classes, been in work shops and I have seen poetry posted here that was way more deserving than 0 replies, even while some of the top answerers were indeed responding to other poems and making posts such as this.

Is poetry the new form of elitism? Is it really subjective? Or is it a waste of time? Because there are people who work hard at it, to either get a million fluffy meaningless responses, the occassional sarcastic cynical one,
or none at all.


I posted what I thought was a pretty good work in progress today and only got two answers. I read a lot of venting full of angst that have lots of answers. So, it seems to me that perhaps what is being posted is also what is sought after , at least on some level. That doesn't make it any more palatable. There have also been some wonderful works on here lately that really took my breath away, so it is hit or miss.


Wow, I never thought about it but Yeah. where Have the poets gone?? I love Stephen wolf!!

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