Travelling abroad on a cancelled passport?

I recently renewed my passport (I'm 17 so I needed to renew in person with my old passport). The US State Department mailed me back my old passport with the word "canceled" stamped in. My new passport has yet to arrive. There is still a year left on the old, cancelled passport. So without the word "cancelled" it would be definitely be valid. I may need to go abroad tomorrow. If the new passport does not arrive in the mail, will I be allowed to use the old one?


Favorite Answer

No, you won't be allowed to use the canceled passport. Have you with the State Dept to check about your passport?


Never believe anyone, especially local authorities, when it comes to your personal documentation. Imagine if you lost your Visa bank card and told the local police and they said they would cancel your card and you do not have to do anything. Would you believe them? No, you would not, you would make sure that the card was cancelled yourself in order to have complete peace of mind. Contact the Embassy, and tell them that you have found your passport and ask if it is still valid for use. If it is, then you have nothing to worry about.


No. It has been canceled. That means it's no longer valid.


Nope........what part of canceled don't you understand......