Why do non-vegetarians/vegans come into the V/V sectoin and try to convert us back...?

or get offended by what they read hear? I know a number are trolls, but it makes one wonder about the rest.


Favorite Answer

I believe that the anonymity of the internet in combination with having a "beef" (pardon the pun) with a lifestyle choice that is different than their own and far too much time on their hands drives sexually-frustrated and intellectually/emotionally-insecure individuals to rant and troll on veg*n internet forums as an attempt to project anger they feel towards themselves at other individuals in order to improve their self-esteem.

But that's just one theory.


Someone who is truly at peace with their own decision of non-vegetarianism is unlikely to ridicule a vegetarian. Very often, people who put you down for upholding an ideal are doing it because they dont want to admit even to themselves that they could be doing something wrong. It is a sub-conscious reaction to the perceived threat that the ideal will gain wider acceptance. Some people are critical of vegetarians because they are the type of people who cannot open their minds to views different from their own. They genuinely cannot understand an opposing view because their faith in their own beliefs is so strong. It just so happens that they are ridiculing you for vegetarianism. If the belief under contention was some other issue where they feel differently from you, they are likely to react the same way. There could be other reasons as well. Such as sensing judgment from vegetarians whether intended or not. My own view is that vegetarians should consider being less touchy about criticism of vegetarianism. If the motive behind vegetarianism is kindness, then we vegans/vegetarians may want to try extending some empathy to people who dont "get" vegetarianism yet. I was raised as a meat eater and converted to vegetarianism in my childhood. I ate meat earlier because "it was the done thing" until I made the connection between slaughter and the food on my plate. I gave up leather / dairy / cosmetics and other products that exploit animals much later because I truly did not realise what I was doing. For a long while I was not aware that silk and wool could be produced through cruel practices. Animal products are so pervasive that I have empathy for those who are not awakened to why they are cruel. From a vegan-activism viewpoint I think getting annoyed with non-vegetarians, even if they are being boorish on the issue is the least likely way to influence them or make them see the vegan point of view. Some people who are more kind and compassionate on other aspects than I could ever be, consume animal products. I think vegan activism can only achieve success if the activists adopt a kind/patient/accepting approach and one that does not make others feel vegans/vegetarians have cornered the market on kindness.

A Vegetarian ...2008-05-20T02:32:32Z

For fun, so we don't take them seriously, just take it as another form of entertainment ... If I like to answer them, it is for fun too :p I never offended by such stuff : )

Vegetarian would not be convert back to non-vegetarian so easy just because of few words, unless the determination and resilent power is real low.

♠Mrs Reznor♠2008-05-19T09:03:46Z

I'm not a vegan, and as a non vegan... yeah, I just really don't get it, why they care about what others eat so much, one would think they would get bored and move on to some other annoying activity, but for some reason, this really keeps them entertained. Makes the rest of us non vegans look bad, dammit :(
I don't harrass you guys, if anything I have alot of respect for you being so strong willed and diligent about keeping the animal products out of your diet, I know it takes alot of label reading and having to pass on alot of things that most people don't give a second thought to eating... screw the haters and keep on doing what you do :D

Love #me#, Hate #me#2008-05-19T07:23:43Z

The questions pop up on the Food & Drink list, as well as the main list. This fuels some interest.

Also, don't think for a second that there aren't people, either true vegers or posing as vegers, posting in other sections. It goes on all of the time unfortunately. So some users come here to defend themselves from "attacks" in other sections or retaliate.

I, for one, don't care what other people eat. It's their choice to make, not mine.

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