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Why do non-Vegetarians/vegans come to this section??!?!?!?!!?

To make us mad? To tell us how stupid/ignorant we're being for having a heart and saving the lives of innocent animals?? I don't understand!!

You can say it's for anyone, but all you do is down us, and state what I said above. We're here to answer/ask questions about something we care about. We don't want answers from people who don't know wth they're talking about. Honestly??

Why do you/they come here?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they like to shove their opinions down our throats?

    Really, they don't understand/like that we've made this choice, so like to question and rant and give "evidence" that we're not doing our bodies any favours.

    Just ignore them, let them rant and rave and show how ignorant they are...and feel smug that you're not filling your body with hormone stuffed battery meat.

    If that doesn't work.....tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine!!!

    Source(s): A lifetime of experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Someone who is truly at peace with their own decision of non-vegetarianism is unlikely to ridicule a vegetarian. Very often, people who put you down for upholding an ideal are doing it because they dont want to admit even to themselves that they could be doing something wrong. It is a sub-conscious reaction to the perceived threat that the ideal will gain wider acceptance.

    Some people are critical of vegetarians because they are the type of people who cannot open their minds to views different from their own. They genuinely cannot understand an opposing view because their faith in their own beliefs is so strong. It just so happens that they are ridiculing you for vegetarianism. If the belief under contention was some other issue where they feel differently from you, they are likely to react the same way.

    There could be other reasons as well. Such as sensing judgment from vegetarians whether intended or not.

    My own view is that vegetarians should consider being less touchy about criticism of vegetarianism. If the motive behind vegetarianism is kindness, then we vegans/vegetarians may want to try extending some empathy to people who dont "get" vegetarianism yet. I was raised as a meat eater and converted to vegetarianism in my childhood. I ate meat earlier because "it was the done thing" until I made the connection between slaughter and the food on my plate. I gave up leather / dairy / cosmetics and other products that exploit animals much later because I truly did not realise what I was doing. For a long while I was not aware that silk and wool could be produced through cruel practices. Animal products are so pervasive that I have empathy for those who are not awakened to why they are cruel.

    From a vegan-activism viewpoint I think getting annoyed with non-vegetarians, even if they are being boorish on the issue is the least likely way to influence them or make them see the vegan point of view. Some people who are more kind and compassionate on other aspects than I could ever be, consume animal products. I think vegan activism can only achieve success if the activists adopt a kind/patient/accepting approach and one that does not make others feel vegans/vegetarians have cornered the market on kindness.

  • 1 decade ago

    3 reasons:

    1. I browse the entire Food and Drink section, which brings up questions from all the subcategories.

    2. A lot of why I come to Yahoo! Answers is so I can learn about things I don't know about. Don't you want people to learn about vegetarianism and veganism?

    3. I sometimes have something to offer: while I am an omnivore, I do know a bit about nutrition and health. You'd be surprised how many "Best Answer"s I get in this section.

    Stop being so defensive and exclusive. Knowledge is good. You should want as many people as possible to read this section so they learn, understand and appreciate. And, you should develop a thicker skin about people who are trying to bait you. That's good advice for all areas of our lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't hate me because I'm a meat eater, but you'll find that with anything these days. It seems that vegetarianism/vegan-ism is like discussing religion or politics. Some people feel the need to voice their opinions and cause trouble. It goes both ways and you can pretty much say that about anything that's worth discussing. I tend to avoid those types of people which is why I stay away from the religion and politics sections. I rarely answer questions in this section unless someone is judging me because I eat meat.

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  • Debra
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Some don't know they are here. They answer a question from the main food and drink page and don't realize the question falls under this subcatergory. The others just want to be mean and cause trouble. Many people do this when they don't understand something. They act like a bunch of pre-teen girls (and you know how mean they can be!)

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I like to see what other people think of diet. Because I am am omnivore because I choose to be so. Because I eat most all of my food locally grown because I think it tastes better. Technically I am a localvore but I do not like labels.

    I personally do not believe we should save innocent animals. Mostly because I do not believe them to be innocent. I do not try to portray animals with human emotions. I think cows are dumb, pigs are smart and chickens are particularly annoying (I still eat them and the eggs however). But I do not think any of them have the intelligence to feel guilt or be innocent (with maybe the exception of the pig)

    What eating locally grown food as taught me is more about where my food comes from and what it really is. I grew up on a farm and I always thought it quite strange that people did not know where the food they eat comes from. Worse I would get answers like fish comes from the grocery store.

    I have friends who are vegetarian, and some that are vegan. The vegan couple I know are both very well educated and have degrees in botany and business management. They work for a large brewing company that has a local bottling plant. When I asked why they work there, they tell me that is what they like doing. We talk at length about the food we eat and what is really in it. This is where I get my information that brewing yeast does not contain B12, after all she does have a PhD in botany.

    I do the same with my vegetarian friends. Sometimes we disagree on food (I really like bacon and dislike TVP). But we can agree to disagree on things. I have friends who do not eat red meat. They do it because of heath reasons (actually the doctor told him to stop). Occasionally they eat chicken. Or more exactly they will only eat the fresh chicken I raise. They consider themselves vegetarians. Who am I to tell them otherwise. Most of the time they fit my definition of vegetarian. But who am I to give them a label.

    More importantly we learn about our food, where it comes from, how it gets to our plate. And in the process we learn more about each other, and become closer friends.

    Most of my preconceptions about people come from the people I know. But that does not mean they are representative of all the people. Or I could say I am an omnivore, but I am not THE omnivore. Mostly food choices are the choices of individuals and families. Not some political or social agenda. And I do not believe they should be either. But then again those are my beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Really, I am OK with you being Vegan. My son is a Vegan. I was a vegetarian for 2 years. I originally came here for recipes and joined in on the fun I found here for a moment. I am sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a lot of it is curiosity. Some people feel like they need to correct our (mistakes). They don't understand the way we think. Some people are so obsessed, that they try to change our decision. There are a few that don't down us... very few. I agree with you though. A lot of them just come here because they disagree with us and they just want to tell us how stupid we are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because this is a section to discuss vegetarianism/veganism.

    This is NOT a section exclusively for vegetarians/vegans.

    I come here to correct a LOT of misinformation I read about many types of diets; vegetarianism, veganism, and omnivorism. Like you said, you are here to ask questions about something you care about. I am here to answer said questions, I don't care about changing anyone's mind.

    I believe it's fairly arrogant of you to assume that just because I don't agree with you or make the same choices as you means that I don't understand or that I don't know what I'm talking about.

    Are you REALLY so insecure about your beliefs that you cannot handle a discussion with someone who does not share them?


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a vegan/vegetarian but I come to this section for ideas. I really like meat, but I don't knock people who don't. I eat lots of vegetarian dishes, eggplant parmigiana being one of my favorites, so I like this section because I come across some really good food ideas because I like to eat healthy and try to keep variety in my diet. People who come to this section just to make disparaging comments usually do so because they have nothing better to do, and they have no one else to spout their ignorant opinions to so they do it here. Just ignore them.

  • Daisy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Education. I come here to correct the sometimes dangerous misinformation put out by vegans. Some vegans will absolutely swear they don't need vitamin B12. That's a dangerous thing to do. You can store it in your bodies for years, so older people may do fine for a long time without supplementing B12, but young, growing people are especially putting their health at risk if they don't get adequate amounts of B12.

    I will point out that the vegan diet also kills animals.

    Good article at the link, though I would argue with Dr. Davis about the "inadvertent" deaths of animals for vegan diets. Putting poison around grain bins to kill mice and birds is a deliberate act.

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