I accidentally cut myself, but my mom's going to think I did it on purpose. Can someone help me?
I used to cut (as in a few months ago) but only very little. I mean, I barely ripped the skin. It was very minor and not a big deal. However, my mom managed to find out one day, and she's been on my case about it ever since. She broke down crying when she found out, and now whenever I accidentally cut myself shaving, she accuses me of doing it intentionally. I've been fine for a while. I haven't cut at all, and I've been REALLY careful shaving. Nevertheless, I managed to cut myself big time today. It wasn't intentional--not at all, but while I was shaving, the razor sort of slid to the side, and now I have a huge cut the size of Asia on my ankle. It won't stop bleeding. If my mom sees it, she's going to go crazy. She won't let me go to camp this summer, and she'll never stop crying. I need a way to make sure she never sees it, but it's going to be hard. The cut is pretty big. Any suggestions? PLEASE help!!!