To Christians or any one that might know the possible answer.?

JUDAS. Did he hang himself, was he cursed by God or was he killed by his own people? I I read and watched that their is a debate on his actual fate other than that he did die.

So does any one have more information?

No I may not be a Christian but I am still interested in knowing about it and I intend no offense to anyone for asking this if it sounds silly to you. It is a legit honest question not an attempt to bash Christians.

I truly wish to be educated in this.



I have read it, and I have seen other thing on it to the other user beyond the bible. The History Channel is the one that made me ask this for they stated it may have been Satan that entered his body, or Jesus himself that told him to do it to bring Gods kingdom to Earth.

I am just trying to understand and learn, not convert or bash. I just want to remain educated. I know it says traditionally he hanged himself.


♥ - Yes that is what I heard too and it tore his insides out. TY for bring that up!


@CK - I know this but in here you have to be careful. I do not want Christians to think I am bashing nor converting. I am an educator and to me whether it is true or not true is irrelevant it is still historical and that is why I want to know. I am Native American but I DO believe in your God, but I also have my Native & Pagan beliefs as well.


@Rein - TY yes that is why I ask because I know their is more than one entry!!


I DO NOT THUMB DOWN unless some one is rude so every one knows! I either thumb up or not at all.


@skepsis -"details of his life, outside of the betrayal, are unimportant. And anything beyond the gospels or Acts is simply idle," I Disagree totally, as a Historian it is very VITAL to know all details and facts. Sorry, still did not thumb you down though! I just disagree that it is not important. I agree with you that is probably why it was done, but to any Historian or similar it is VERY important.


Again this is a hard one to choose from, if I let it go to vote please vote fairly thank you.


@Hαlαα βεε.xσ - Hi I agree I never said that any of the theories are WRONG, I want to know and learn as many of them as I can if their is more than one. A theory is just that a theory, not based on solid facts. So I do concur with you but please do not think I am one that thinks that any are wrong.

jane doe2008-06-22T10:48:57Z

Favorite Answer

Excellent question:)
Judas hanged HIMSELF. When he hung himself though, it wasn't out of remorse. He didn't feel bad about what he had done in regards to the grief and horror it gave to other people. Rather he was afraid of his punishment and what would become of him after betraying Jesus like that. His thoughts and fears were still selfish, and rather than waiting to see what would become of him, he just decided to take his life into his own hands and be somewhat in control of the circumstances of his own death. He was afraid of what would happen to him and wanted to be in charge of the degree of pain and horror in his own death which would be inevitable.


The problem is that Judas is a minor but necessary character in the gospel story. The evengelists did not put a great deal of thought into describing him because they were only interested in the betrayal of Jesus, not the motivation or fate of Judas. So one evangelists attribute the motivation to greed, another to the influence of the devil. Matthew declares that Judas hung himself with remorse. Acts says that Peter says Judas accidentally disemboweled himself.

The point is that Judas was an unsympathetic character and that the details of his life, outside of the betrayal, are unimportant. And anything beyond the gospels or Acts is simply idle, ignorant speculation. Mathew and Luke had their own uses for the character Judas, but he was little more than a "character" for them. They were telling the story of Jesus.

The fact that the character's name was "Judas" (meaning "Jew") might have figured into Christian animosity toward its spiritual parent, but we really can't say anything more about the man. For Christian intents, he is simply a symbol of betrayal and nothing more.

The Christian New Testament is not history by any objective standard. Any competent historian will agree. History is about verifiable facts. The New Testament is about persuasion. Its objective is to convince the reader to believe in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. The motivation or the death of Judas does not affect the beliefs of Christianity. Judas' betrayal merely explains how Jesus fell into the hands of his enemies, but the point is that Jesus was innocent and submitted to execution without resistance for the sake of all believers. What Judas thought about what he might have done, or what other people thought about him is irrelevant. Even if he had survived, repented, and become a great promoter of Christianity, Christianity wouldn't be about him. It would be about Jesus. Compare Paul. The New Testament is full of his writings, but aside from Luke's anecdotal account in Acts, history knows nothing at all about him. We can speculate all we want to about these people but they simply don't show up in the historical record, so we can't know anything more than what the Christian record has deemed important enough to record.


When Judas later realized what he had done and, after unsuccessfully trying to return the 30 pieces of silver that he had received for betraying Jesus, threw them into the temple and committed suicide.

Matthew 27:5 states that Judas hanged himself, whereas Acts 1:18 says that “pitching head foremost he noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out.” While Matthew seems to deal with the mode of the attempted suicide, Acts describes the results. Judas apparently tied a rope to the branch of a tree, put a noose around his neck, and tried to hang himself by jumping off a cliff. It seems that either the rope or the tree limb broke so that he plunged downward and burst open on the rocks below. The topography around Jerusalem makes such a conclusion reasonable.

Judas’ personality, as revealed in the Bible, shows him to have turned from being a faithful servant of God into a selfish, greedy, deceitful hypocrite. No wonder Jesus, on the final night of his earthly life, said about Judas: “It would have been finer for that man if he had not been born”! (Mark 14:21) According to the Bible, there is no defense for Judas Iscariot.


I agree with many based on accounts of people who were there that the whole thing was arranged by JESUS and JUDAS to fullfill the prophecy of the MESSIAH

Besides religious questions there were many political factors involved in his death.Remember to the jews of those days like muslims today religion and law and politics are all the same thing.PILATE tried his utmost not to execute JESUS and gave the people a choice they chose BARRABAS.
His hesitation was purely political as to execute someone favored by the people could cause an uprising .The people favored BARRABAS.WHY? No one has succesfully answered that question .They chose a brawler and murderer over a man who could
raise the dead
make the blind see
cure the leper
turn water to wine
feed multitudes with a few fish and loaves of bread.
Again I ask WHY?

JUDAS overcome with grief at the part he played in his bargain with JESUS did indeed hang himself.

JESUS last words to him at the last supper "go quickly and do what thou hast"

SiFu frank2008-06-22T17:46:01Z

On the surface the account in Acts and the account in Mathew seem ambiguous. I believe some of the ambiguity comes from filtering things from modern experience. The point of both accounts is that Judas ended his life through the deeds he had done in the betrayal of Christ. The very large sum of money he received did him no good. He could of hung himself on the land he bought. In some translations of Acts it describes his life essence spilling out on to the ground.This could be interpreted as bleeding out a large volume of blood. I don't think the minor details have much to do with the teaching of the account. He could have fallen from hanging. If you hang yourself and the fall before taking up tension on the rope is too long it could be very messy.

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