I'm hoping someone could give me an answer to this question. I've been calling almost everywhere and still get an unclear answer. Still trying the gov. phone # but no answers. Q.:If you're paying for child support, are you able to leave the country??? How long are you able to be out of the country??? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all of your answers. I just don't want the guy that I'll sell the airline ticket to come back to taunt me .. He's unsure about the situation so I thought I'd asked here. Have a nice day.
Meryl T2008-07-10T12:46:02Z
Favorite Answer
Absolutely. BUT YOU MUST CONTINUE TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS. The only issue is whether you would be taking your kid(s) with you and depending on your divorce proceedings it would be dictated in those papers AND whether you make your payments or not. Do not get behind. You are assessed fines by your state on top of the payments and it adds up quickly. Not to mention you can go to jail for failure to pay.
Generic answer is yes but every situation is different. As long as you continue paying your support there shouldn't be a problem but what about visitation and keeping a relationship with the child/children?
Paying child support does not in and of itself impose any restrictions on travel or any other thing. A person paying child support is still a citizen and can do anything they could if they were not paying child support.