Had a virus now video card issue after virus was removed...?
So I had a Trojan that would cause my computer to constantly restart on power up and I took it to my cousin to get fixed. He said that the only way to remove the virus was to wipe everything off my computer. So he did, and installed Windows Vista (I had XP before). Before all this I had whatever video card that came with my computer installed and was able to play video games just fine. Now after the virus was removed my computer acts like there is no video card or like it's not installed/can't find it.
When I try to start up any game I get this error:
(If the words are hard to see it says, "Error 22: A critical error has occurred while initializing DirectDraw."
Anyone know what's causing that?
I installed DirectX 10 to see if that would help but it doesn't help at all. It's not just Diablo II but any 3D game I install.
I'm thinking it's just a Vista thing and I've been searching for a solution for hours now, I might just go out and get a new computer...
I was using: VIA/S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter
Thanks for the help, I found someone with a similar issue. They found the updates required but Vista was the issue. Guess I need a whole new video card or a computer.