VA hospital veterans affair .......horrible ER treatment?
Why does the West Palm Beach Veterian Affairs hospital's Emergency Room provide the absolute worst medical treatment. When ever I go to the ER room for anything the doctors generally have a prescription filled out for tylenol 3 with codine, telling me to follow up with my doctor in the next week. When the ER doctor does nothing! Doesnt listen to you! Doesnt treat you! You waite (4) hours to see a ER doctor and your out in 3 minutes. Why is the West Palm Beach VA hospital treat veterans like "Cattle" ??? I only wish that the ER doctors family members recieved the same medical treatment that they give to the Veterans!
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The VA hospitals all over are pretty much the same. You have to realize that most are interns just doing thier time and have no compassion or interest in your situation. The quick fix would be to employ only Vets through training programs and incentives. However liberals would cry discrimination! You have to make a complaint to Veterans Affairs because they are Vets who are concern with our welfare. The reason why the VA is so screwed up is because civilians run it and have never worn the boots of a Vet. Not all, however a majority.
Emergency means imminent threat to life, limb or sight. Anything which doesn't fit that category is not an emergency. A quick review of the yellow pages shows two VA clinics in the area, but both appear to be 18 to 25 miles from West Palm Beach. Still, those are the facilities designed to handle non-emergent medical cases.
I have had doctors like this before but also have had some that treat me very well. Also, you have to remember that the veterans have the choice to go to any hospital they want. My dad is a veteran and does not go to a VA hospital. My husband who is active also complains about getting the same prescription for any ailment he may have, he is active duty and does not have as many choices of where to go. I would say, just try a different hospital if there is one close to you. Good luck.
you need to write your state rep, your senator for the most part its sad some VA hospitals are like this but the political climate is hostile towards below par care to military veterans. You need to make sure people look into this, its disgusting if it is a department wide issue within that VA. Then again I am not a doctor and that may have been the only thing you needed. But they should have gave you more information so you were better informed of the situation.