Literature on St Michael the Archangel

I work in my church's bookstore and am looking for some information for a kind woman who stopped by the other day. She is interested in reading more about St Michael the Archangel, and would like it to be in the form of a book (as she would like to carry it around with her). I have found only two titles that approach this subject:

1. "St Michael and the Angels: A Month with St Michael and the Holy Angels"


2. "St Michael" by Mirabai Starr

Does anyone have any other titles that would be of interest, or offer information on St Michael?

Thank you so much for your help!

Believer, wife, mother & nana!2008-08-07T02:43:30Z

Favorite Answer

The watch tower tells you they think that St. Michael was the Messiah, they believe that Jesus was a profit, Untrue! The titles are good I have read those Angels books. It's too bad I have a Book that tells you all the different Angel and their duties and a story on each one of the 7 Archangels, However the book is no longer printed and it's pretty indepth. God bless you.


In the Presence of Angels: A Novel: Book One in the St. Michael Trilogy (Saint Michael Trilogy) by Michael L. Sherer


The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society publishes various articles on their idea of who the Archangel, Michael, is. They say he is Jesus Christ! So I don't recommend your shop pass on any of their details to this lady, not unless those books you mention have the same idea. If they do, then Jehovah's Witnesses ought to read them, if only to realize they are not unique in this (unorthodox) interpretation of scripture.