Puppy House Training? Technique (couple ?: one word answers).?
First: I'm a city guy. I know nothing about pets. I need to thank some people for giving me absolutely Top Shelf Advice. It's deeply appreciated: They appear in no particular order.
* wishauwee
* OhlDoDol
* Oregano1
* Socion
* Sue
1. Dog will be 6-8 inches tall. Some mentioned a "bell" to go out. What kind of bell? Can't they or won't they bark? Is the ell loud? (hopefully)
2. He sleeps through the night now. Do I need to wake him?
3. Age 14 weeks. We take him out every hour and 1/2. How long at each time increment (1 week...2 weeks?)
4. What's the next time increment.
Surprise breakthrough. Wife has cats (where I'm from we used to eat those things....would break her heart if I took it up now). The pet store guy said give him some cat food as a treat....but keep him away from eating the cats portion. We followed the latter but not the former. My wife made up a little bag and gave it to him as a treat (4-5 little kibbles). He's become a peeing and pooping machine. Good Gravy! He likes those things.
Anyway...answer when you can...and thanks to all of you for your kind advice. It's really helping.