I want to adopt a 15 year old boy he is a really good student, but him and his family don't have papers.Can I?

He got here from mexico about 7 years ago. I want to know if i can adopt him and if I can, does he have to live with me or can he stay with his family? I just want to make it easier for him to follow his dreams and accomplish his goals. He does good in school and he plays sports like football and track. I really wish to help this family and i will appreciate questions with respect.

One Sailors Lady2008-09-07T11:48:16Z

Favorite Answer

When you say that he "doesn't have papers", I'm guessing you mean he is here illegally.

You MAY be able to adopt him, I would imagine it depends both on US and Mexican law. The child HAS able parents. This is very very similar to marrying someone so they can become a US Citizen. I'm sure the laws are VERY tight, and you are asking in the wrong place. Contact an adoption agency, and ask what the protocol is in this scenario.

If you want to help him achieve his goals, I recommend you help him learn how to do things legally. Assist him in studying for the US Naturalization test. Teach him that following the law is best for everyone. The kind of "short cut" you propose would take a kid from his parents, and teach the wrong type of message. It's VERY kind-hearted of you, but not terribly wise. There is absolutely NO chance for growth in this kid if he can't be caught right from wrong. He should not be urged to subvert the system. Remember that if you are able to adopt him, you're responsible for him and everything he does until he is 18 years of age. If you teach him once that you can seek ways to bend authority rules, and try to be sneaky, imagine how far an intelligent teen such as this one may take things.

I appreciate your willingness to help make a childs life brighter- but follow all the rules, and concider finding another way rather than removing him from his current family unit. When we have hard problems like this to solve, it only results in us having to get smarter to solve them.

Good luck


He and his family are illegally in this country. You want to adopt him and have him still live with his illegal family. This does not make sense at all to me. Basically, it would be turning the rest of his family in to immigration and subject them all to deportation.... They all are ILLEGAL....

No, other than he and his family returning to their own country, and then applying to come back legally, there is nothing you can do to make this illegal legal. Which means, he will never be able to follow his dreams here because he is illegal.

Mom and dad made the decision for him to be watching over their shoulders, always, and he will have to do that also.


His parents would have to give you custody and then you would need to go to court to have it legally done. Hire a lawyer. Better work quick. You can't get immigration papers for someone over the age of 16.


Adopt a hamster and let it follow its dreams. Or raise him in mexico. You dont have to stay here with him.