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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicComics & Animation · 1 decade ago

Can anyone help me out finding a good anime?

im looking for an anime that has a lot of hot girls and idc if they r all going after a guy or not. And i dont care about nudity

Some animes ive seen r:



Elfen Lied

Girls Bravo

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rosario + Vampire

    By a bizzare coincidence, Tsukune Aono has accidentally gotten himself admitted to a youkai academy, a school attended by monsters. Just when he thinks he'll run away from there, he meets the beautiful girl Moka and his mood turns ultra happy. However, she transforms into her true form when the rosary on her chest is taken off, she's a super vampire!


    His name is Kazuki Shikimori, 17 years old. He attends Aoi Academy, a school for elite magicians. Each magician has a set limit of spells, and performing more spells than the limit allows will cause the user to turn into dust. In this case, the number of magic Kazuki can use is far below the average in his school. Then one day, all of a sudden, three girls: Yuuna Miyama, Kuriko Kazetsubaki and Rin Kamishiro, appear before him. But of all the things that they are after, it is his genes. And for Kazuki, the girls' appearances may also spell his doom, as he soon realizes that his magic count is decreasing ever steadily due to the fact that he can't resist using magic to help them.


    Wizard Negi Springfield may be a boy, but he has a man-sized job to do! Fresh from the Academy of Magic, Negi continues his training as an instructor at Mahora Academy in Japan. But before he can get his Masters in magic, the 31 schoolgirls of Class 3-A are gonna keep him up all night cramming for a final exam in will power. Temptation aside, Negi has more on his syllabus than flirting and spells. Darkness is closing in, and Negi is gonna need help from his lovely student bodies to drive the ghouls from their school. These girls want to prove that they're the best in class, and extra credit is available to the cuties that aren't afraid of after-hours phantom fighting!

    Princess Lover

    Arima Teppei lost his parents in a traffic accident. His grandfather Isshin adopted him by force and ordered him to succeed the head of Arima Group Corporation. At Shuuhou Gakuen, a high school only for wealthly students, Teppei's new life as a celebrity starts.

    Ladies vs Butlers

    Hino Akiharu lost his parents when he was small and was adopted into his uncle's family. But he noticed his uncle is after the inheritance of his parents, so he decides to enter a boarding school, Hakureiryou high school. However his delinquent boy-like appearance frightens the girls, who make up the majority of the students. Being unable to get along with the classmates, Akiharu meets his childhood girlfriend Saikyou Tomomi.

    Hanaukyou Maid-tai: La Verite

    After his mother passes away, Taro Hanaukyo is invited to his grandfather's home. There, he meets a beautiful maid named Mariel and finds out that his grandfather has retired to a remote island and has given him ownership of his estate. Taro also discovers that not only is the estate a colossal mansion, it has hundreds of gorgeous maids ready to serve him 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    IS: Infinite Stratos

    Japan engineered an armed powered exoskeleton "Infinite Stratos" (IS) and it became the mainstream of weapons. Since only women can operate IS, women dominate the society over men. Orimura Ichika is a 15 year old boy and accidentally touches an IS placed in the IS pilot training school. He is found to be the only man who can operate IS and forced to enter the training school. Ichika's busy school life surrounded by girls has begun.

    Source(s): Ehh... I'm not that good in telling what it is about so ive coppied the Synopsis from wikipedia.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm 13. I have been drawing manga for 4 years, now. I have been inspired by watching anime such as 'Spirited Away' and I pretty much grew up with my brother who was obsessed with pokemon! ^_^ I didn't realise what manga and anime was about until year 5, in primary school- When a friend who moved into England called Ola had been introduced to manga as a little girl. Unfortuantley, she doesn't enjoy drawing anymore, she sort of changed into a real teenager and she thought it wasn't cool. I still draw, and I've inspired many friends. So I still draw this.My friend's aunt is an artist, and she said she couldn't believe what I could do.She said her friend does manga, and she has done it for 6 years, but isn't as nearly as good as me! ^_^ I was so happy! I hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    School Rumble (definitely the bomb for comedy/romance)

    Clannad (mostly girl chars)

    Aki Sora (don't recommend it but you don't care for nudity and that shizz)

    Negima (31 girls/1 guy)

  • Sora
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    to love ru- romance comedy ecchi action harem

    freezing- action nudity

    High school of the dead- action zombies comedy ecchi little romance

    seikon no qwaser- action nudity comedy

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    ^^ best animes. Also Soul Eater.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ching chang chong chow chow HIGURASHI chinga chang chow mein

  • 1 decade ago

    This Asian dude is a noob ^

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try amagami ss ;)

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