McCain and Obama on taxes?

Do you really think that McCain will not raise taxes and that Obama will only raise taxes on the rich? With the skyrocketing dept and now the government bail outs the money has to come from somewhere. McCain want the war to continue, that will cost billions. Obama want the government to pick up health care cost for 48 million more people, that will also cost billions.

Where is all this money going to come from? You can raise the taxes on the rich, but that will only get so much. It looks like every ones taxes will go up no matter who gets elected.


I am not saying which do we want, a longer war or more health care. I am saying does anyone actually believe that we will get either without everyones taxes going up.


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well i would say that when you do not give people decent health care it costs money to everybody. because the hospital doesnt get paid, the patient loses his house which brings down the bank or the morgage company and this is a reaction in chain. I prefer honestly to give my taxes for a decent healthcare than for an unnecessary war which is like a Danaides barrel


Ask yourself this question:
billions on a war that should have never been waged half a world away?

or billions on the welfare of millions of our own citizens health?

Don't mean to be callous to other countries but I care a heck of a lot more about Americans.


Vote Obama 08