does anyone know the statue of limitations on car accidents?

My ex drove us around to do some errands one afternoon, and hit this huge pot hole ripping off my front sports runner bumper and tearing off one of the tire guards or shields that prevents condensation... Now that I want to trade my car in and we aren't together, she won't pay me the money she said she would to have it fixed... I can't file a claim on my insurance because it's been over a year...

Help... can I make a valid small claims court case?

Michael C2008-10-01T12:58:23Z

Favorite Answer

That's going to depend on which state you are in. Just to give you a ballpark idea, in a lot of states it's around 2 years.

On a side note, that's one hell of a pothole!


It depends on the state if you are in the US.

M F2008-10-01T19:56:39Z

the word is statute... not STATUE
It's State dependent; talk to an attorney