ACORN, the Obama camp, and false registration?

Everyone knows that the Obama camp has paid ACORN $800,000 to help register people to vote. ACORN has been accused of thousands of false voter registration forms.

Should the Obama campaign be the ones that are really upset because they are in essence stealing from them?
Has anyone thought that they are not trying to commit voter fraud, but instead scam the Obama camp out of hundreds of thousand dollars. It goes to reason that if they where paid to get out the vote, had goals to make, and failed to meet them. That some of their staffers would start making out false voter registration cards not to change the election, but to get out of failing to meet their quota and getting fired?


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I think it's all a set-up to attempt to embarrass the Obama camp. All 2100 of the registration forms in question were in the same persons handwriting. Another 2900 have been set aside for the same reason. If this scam had been perpetrated by the Obama camp they surely would not have had just one person performing the deed. And why stop at the even number of 5000 and submit them at the last possible minute. This was part of a not to well thought out plan to put money in someones pocket or else to damage the Obama campaign....or both. I like your theory also, it ties in well with mine.


Lots of lots of republican lies here! Whew!, it's a Lie Salad Bar - just pick what you like.

Those fraudulent registration cards???? That smells very distinctly of a republican dirty trick - remember Watergate? That was a Nixon dirty trick which didn't work out so well for Tricky Dicky. Republicans always try pulling these things right about NOW in all elections.

But we have to wait through an investigation to ever actually know who did what - but it won't be before the election. And that's why it's probably a republican trick - that's how the "Dirty Tricks Dept" works. And at the bottom of it, you'll likely find fat, pink little Karl Rove.


A republican employee of ACORN filled out the bad forms and ACORN is required by law to turn in all forms good and bad and now the republicans want to use that as excuse to eliminate all registrations. Yes that is fraud.


You got to be kidding,He new dam well what ACORN does and how they do it,He trained them, I am surprised the Press does print your statement Making Obama the victim, This is great you should apply to the will be a star.


Acorn. Just another one to add to the long list. Unfortunately, no one is paying attention. It appears every where Obama goes. Unanswered questionable activity follows. Yes! I, believe they set Obama up. Like they did the unrepentant terrorist and never told Obama. Like REv. Wright and never told Obama. Like the Million Man march and never told Obama. The radical Chicago group and never told Obama. Like the ties with Kenya radicals and never told Obama. Like Studying under Malcolm x and never told Obama. Like every issue they never told Obama. Wow ! Maybe you should reconsider. Appears Obama knows nothing about anything.

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