Computer Boot Up problem,,, When I turn on computer it goes straight to black streen?

on streen has words like 1.44 boot 3.49 something

I'll turn it off and try again... I can hit ESC to the boot system and select the 1st boot system and will start now.

I reset to earlier date, doesn't help ... does the same thing when I push start, goes to black screen and will not boot up on its own.

Do I need to find the XP disc and reinstall it ?

Any help would be great. Closes computor guy near me is 75 miles away.


Shattered Moon ?


Thanks very much ............ !
Was very easy also.

Shattered Moon2008-11-06T12:44:54Z

Favorite Answer

OK .... If I remember your last computer question you have a Compaq sr2002 ? or something like that...

Easy steps ...

Turn off

UNPLUG everthing .... everything even monitor
((make sure you ground one hand to back metal cover
while pulling each off))

everything unpluged ? Yes

on the front push in power switch and HOLD in for 7 to 10 seconds... 1001 1002 1003 etc

Leaving the DSL or phone line disconnected

plug in everything else

Take a breath, sit for a moment (((

OK push the power button on the monitor
Then push the power button on the computer

It should power up.... Boot drive program should be reset

Play a game of cards or pin ball do something that is more than opening closing file... for a few min's (((5 0r so)))

turn computer off (not reset)

let sit for few min's and turn back on

Works doesn't it !

William W2008-11-06T11:16:49Z

Sounds like an XP reinstall is needed. Yes, you'll need to find an XP disc.