What is your views and opinion on the rapture?

There are different views of the rapture..pre trib..mid trib..post trib..
What do you believe? Why?


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Since the latter half of the tribulation period will be the wrath of God poured upon the earth, and the bible states we (as born again believers in Christ) are not appointed to wrath, I don't believe we will be here for the tribulation period.

Also, in Revelation, Jesus says to the church of Philadelphia (the faithful church), "since you have kept my word, I will keep you from the coming trial which will be visited upon the entire earth". I think that means Christians who do not compromise the word of God will be taken in the rapture.

Curious Cat2008-11-07T15:51:16Z

I don't believe in any rapture - and I'm a Christian. My reading of the Bible tells me that the original "bible", the Torah doesn't promote people going to Heaven after death but rather, as sister of Lazarus had implied, we get out resurrection here on earth that will be the Paradise Adam and Eve were supposed to rule over.

It's notable that Lazarus himself never spoke about being in Heaven and he'd been dead four days!

Why would we otherwise have a resurrection on Earth if we go to Heaven after death? It doesn't make sense. Anyway, Christ himself never said we would (outside his disciples and the 144 that will be "bought" from earth) and when he spoke of going to Heaven, note that he was talking solely to his disciples.

Eccl. 9: 5, 10 - "The dead are conscious of nothing at all."

FROG E2008-11-07T13:13:53Z

The rapture will happen....it will be before the 7 year tribulation.
2 Thessalonians, chapter 2


Michael K2008-11-07T13:10:49Z

The whole tribulation and rapture is all BS to me.


Great song by Blondie - the first rap song I believe....