Is it true if you put a bowl of Moth balls in every room of your house if there are any black widow spiders they will leave and go outside? How long do you leave them in the room? And what about other pets does it bother them? Thanks
Thanks the only pets we have are snakes and some tarantulas and the kids are now teenagers I don't think I will try it any ways. Thanks
Favorite Answer
I dont think they would work but all i know is that mothballs are nothing but trouble if you ask me. They can kill as they are toxic and can irritate any pets noses and if digested can kill.
I don't believe that moth balls work on spiders. I've never seen any evidence of that. I've used moth balls for other things and still get spiders. The moth balls will, however, irritate dog and cat noses so I wouldn't want them around much.
Black widow spiders are very risky and with one chew can kill with a pair of seconds. even however they are small they harm and you will quickly be on the floor ineffective, so the appropriate ingredient to do is the two leave it on my own and enable it do what it needs, it may bypass away as quickly as the baby is born and do basically no longer open your window or you call an authority on spiders and notice if he/ she will sparkling it. they are greater risky than a camel spider ( they chew you, your paralysed and that they consume your pores and skin).