It is said when you dream you are paralyzed. How do you breathe then?? ?

I am fully aware breathing is autonomic.


Favorite Answer

The part of the brain that controls breathing and your pulse is different from the part of the brain that controls the other muscles in the body

Chevy to the Lance2008-12-11T12:45:58Z

Breathing, your heart beating, and all of the other things you cant control in your body can not be shut off unless you go through some sort of distress. Your body paralyzes itself so you don't act out your dreams, so you can still breathe, you just cant move your muscles by yourself


It's just a dream the mind plays tricks on you.


I don't think you're paralyzed, I think you just kind of don't thrash around. Your eyes move constantly during your dreams.

Tony RB2008-12-11T12:58:39Z

The paralysis is that your conscious brain has no control over the movement of your limbs.

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