Chantix - Risky or Not?

Has anyone, who is not in the pharmaceutical industry, had any experience with the stop smoking medication Chantix? If so, was it bad or good? I have been on the medication for six days and I really haven't noticed any differences at all in my behavior, my sleep pattern, etc., none of the areas in which everyone warns you about. My family is having an absolute fit because I'm on this medication. I'm recently divorced, live by myself, and they are worried to death I'm going to kill myself!! I have never considered myself someone who would even think of doing something like that. I don't know if I should continue the medication or not...


I guess I'm trying to squash some of the many "tales" I've heard about this drug. For instance, I was told if you have ever taken Prozac and you did fine on that then you will do fine on Chantix. I do realize that everyone is different and will react differently but the information out there is so vast and diverse. I'm getting nervous about even taking it. Actually, I've noticed my craving to smoke has somewhat decreased.


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personally, pharmaceuticals are a last, LAST resort for me for anything! They are essentially chemicals mixed together in a lab, outrageously overpriced and allowed over natural substances by regulating bodies such as the FDA... if you can try anything else besides this stuff, I would highly recommend it.

My aunt did hypnotherapy.. the therapist told her it would taste like poo every time she tried to smoke... and it did! She hated it, but was so determined to start smoking again that she eventually force smoked the poo cigarettes until she broke the spell. She went back the hypnotherapist when her granddaughter was born and has not craved another cigarette since.
There also natural cease-smoking therapies you can buy basically in a box in some natural/health stores.

I just wouldn't take strong meds like the ones you are taking unless you were going to die this second without it.


Ive never heard of getting suicidal on that medicine. However I have heard of shortness of breath and fainting spells. Im in the same boat I just posted a question about how to quit smoking. I honestly don't know how I feel about taking something that would have big side effects. However I want to quit smoking... Its a toss up good luck


chantix, like any other medication affects different people in different ways. I know many that have used it to successfully quit smoking and they swear by it. For myself, it caused me to become suicidal and I had to stop using it. The point is, only you can decide if it is harmful to you.


I haven't personally, but a friend of mine took it, and long story short, she ended up in a psych room on suicide watch for a week. I wouldn't chance taking it...


My grandson tried it and it did not help stop smoking at all. He still smokes as much as ever.
I've talked to others who think it's great.