In need of a phrase...Undies in an Uproar?

"Undies in an uproar", "Panties in a twist"...both good ways we have to dismiss the anger of the uptight. But I have a bee in my bonnet at the moment...I need a phrase to dismiss that hammy self-righteousness when expressed by someone who wears neither panties or undies.

As you wish!2009-03-31T23:43:13Z

Favorite Answer

hmm, well on Friends there was that episode about going Commando... i.e. wearing no undies or panties.
So, a Commando in a claptrap. A commando in a clincher. Haha, you could say, "you go commando and you still manage to get a wedgie"! got to go to work now hope you get some more ;)

Sheila B2009-03-31T23:44:00Z

Did someone pee in your cheerios?


"do you have a burr up your a**?"