So today my doctor just put me on bedrest and I have never had to just sit at home and do nothing! lol What have you ladies done to keep yourself busy while on bedrest? I would like to make my mom a mother's day gift too, any ideas? I only have two weeks to go but I know I am going to go crazy...
Favorite Answer
Talk on the phone~ watch favorite movies~write in a journal~ paint, read books magazines whatever makes you happy, sing to yourself,get massages from family/friends~order in your favorite foods~ listen to music~ drink smoothies in bed--enjoy the quiet-pray paint your nails,toenails, do spa treatments facials~ play cards~ pretend your on vacation--cuz you are--and just have loads of fun entertaining yourself--or make other people come over and entertain you-lol~
I have never been pregnant but I was on bedrest for a while after I had surgery... I did a lot of eating and sleeping! But let's see... if you wanted to do something a little more fun/stimulating I would say watch a movie, paint your nails, do a crossword or sudoku puzzle, read, do some leg lifts, write a short story or a song, or even knit some booties for your coming baby!
I am not on bedrest by any doctors orders but find if I am not sitting in bed I swell kind of badly so half the day I spend in bed. I just sit here with the laptop on yahoo answers, watch television, fold laundry, do latch hook kits from the craft store.
I was on bedrest from 32 weeks till 38 weeks with my first. It was torture. But atleast it was around the holidays so I was able to wrap presents, decorate the house and bake.
I would bake (pies, brownies, cookies etc), read some books from the library, you can even get movies from the library, I did some paint by numbers stuff (I suck at painting freely), make a scrap book for when your baby is born.