Have you ever said the right thing to the right person?


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Yes and I hope they know I really meant it


I did once.

Then, as any might guess, someone within earshot piped up
and pitched in with, "Well, now, that isn't right! Something
unforeseen and horrible will have to happen to this planet
in order to replace such an improper anamoly."

Soon, the unanimous nodding among the townsfolk
became a frenzy of rioters and I had to scurry.

But, I did once. Oh, I did!


ive said the wrong thing to the right person and the right thing to the wrong person


I think I have...I usually say what comes to me and what my heart says...and some people have come up to me and thanked me for what I said....

and I know I say a lot of wrongs things...I do a lot of apologizing


only a couple of times cause most of the time i say the wrong thing to de wrong person

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