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Understanding ... If i can understand why someone did what they did, and understand how they feel about it now, generally this is the key to forgiving them....Also they have to understand why I am upset/angry/disappointed etc with them... Understanding, knowledge and honesty... those are all keys to forgivnes
Forgiveness is a type of back door to happiness. It potential which you have already judged somebody. At this component the wear has been performed and the terrific which you're able to do is to forgive the blunders which you have already made by potential of judging them. genuine Happiness happens on each and every occasion we at the instant are not judging something. Any time which you at the instant are not judging you're satisfied. the 2d which you initiate judging, you come across something to be unhappy approximately. that's that easy. Love and reward Don
A lot of time during which there has been an honesty apology, (not just a few words loosely strung together). Proof of 'change' (not an I'll try to attitude).
Depends on what was done. The best approach with me is total honesty about what/why and the attitude with it. That might not fix things, but it's the best starting point. I have zero tolerance for b.s and drama.
I know when I do wrong, GOD seems so far away. I have failed many times, but his LOVE shows me forgiveness, and I learn to give it to others.