Did you make a scrapbook after you had your baby?

What all did you put in it?


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Not me my mom did...well i can share you what she did on my baby scrapbook way back 1988...

I love to hear all kinds of stories. But one story I probably would want to hear over and over again is the story of my birth. This is why, Mom created my baby scrapbook to tell in a more tangible way how I come out in this world. But it does not mean that baby scrapbook is limited to the “how” of giving birth. Even the minor details are important to create a more wonderful baby scrapbook ...I really enjoyed and would be proud of .Im already 21. And since my baby scrapbook is somewhat a kid’s bibliography, I did appreciated how much they mean to me.

To create a baby scrapbook, you should define your starting point. Mom put her baby shower party and the day of my birth...my baby scrapbook covers my first year but Mom add more details , she collected things that can be included on the scrapbook like the gifts she received on the baby shower. She even included my first haircut, my first nail cut and some other events that i had experience for the first time. She even choose a color that would define the theme of the scrapbook which is pink.She included some details about my birth, the length at birth, weight at birth, time of birth, the length of labor, the color of my eyes and hair, and doctor’s name and the names of the staff who assisted the doctor in giving birth. Plus of course, the pictures of mom and me at the hospital after she gave birth. Some pictures of mom was included while she still pregnant. Mom said in the note "Moments such as this will keep you my child reminded how your mother took care of you while you are still in my womb". Other moments Mom included are the photos of my growth month by month with a size reference (usually a stuffed toy), photos of the house we live in and the nursery, photos of the family members including me, photos of me sleeping, photos while mom giving me a bath, photos with my favorite toys, and other happy moments .On my baby scrapbooks included my first smile, first bath, first crawl, first roll over, first sat up, first steps, and so forth. Included also my favorite song, toys, bedtime stories, and the family tree.

Well, creating baby scrapbook is really a personal thing so it is up to you what other things you want to add for as long as your child will know how did s/he grow up.

Hope this helps you! Actually, I love my baby scrapbook...my moms so creative...


I have a digital scrapbook that I will eventually print out. We also have two actual scrapbooks that were made by family members for her. They mostly have little things from the hospital, her first hat, Her medical bands, all the papers from her blood tests, A few more things that some people might find weird. I kept a few things from the hospital so I could show her when shes older how much we did for her. Have small peices of her first blanket, and LOTS of pictures, from the moment she was born till the day she was released we had about 200 pictures. We add new pictures every month of little milestones (Pictures of her being weighed and the numbers on the scale - every pound for us is a win. she was less than 4lbs at birth and we have had to struggle to keep her gaining weight with a few times where she has actually lost some)

We also have some dvd disks in there with videos of her doing different things.


Ya its really fun to make a scrapbook about a baby. Put the name of the baby, date of birth, what they can't eat yet, the parents, first food, first blanket, first toys, first clothes, first shoes, first whatever you want to put in it, and just put any funny or precious moments you had with the little baby cause the baby will be a toddler before you know it


I have made them as gifts for friends, and they loved them. There is a little time investment involved, but you're sure to enjoy the scrapbook forever, as well as have something so cool to show your little one when they're older :) They have a great selection of affordable archival safe albums at MemoryScrapbooks.com http://www.memoryscrapbooks.com/babysb.html that will help your photos and keepsakes last longer than cheap albums. They also have a great Album Ideas page http://www.memoryscrapbooks.com/album-ideas.html with tons of great scrapbooking tips, from what to include to which albums work best for different projects. Hope this helps :)


hmmm never had a baby yet but i do kno how to make a scrapbook...gather all the pics of your baby and play around with it but putting some funny words on every pics and make sure that it will be pleasing to your child when it s time for your child to explore on that book of childhood

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