What exactly do governors do? How much do they affect the citizens of that state?


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Govenors are rather unique- they are held directly accountable for the people of their states. As such they have very broad powers over their economy, over public service programs, and over the infrastructure such as road repairs.

A good govenor is worth their weight in gold. A bad governors seem to get their own TV shows- a la' Blagovitche's wife!


They do try to balance the state's budget - they also cut budgeted items (sometimes rightfully/sometimes not). I know they can call state of emergency in bad weather. There is more - but I have never really thought about it.

How much they affect the citizens - well let's let the case of the South Carolina governor play out and we'll see. I don't live in that state - but I would like to see him impeached. He has caused an embarrassment to the citizens of SC imho.

The mistress thing is between him and his wife - but his "disappearing act" - that is another matter altogether.


I agree with Dante. In fact, Governors used to be called Presidents at one point. Take a drive though Illinois and randomly ask people how much a Governor affects them. (Lots of glorified street thugs wearing suits in Ill.)


Governors are like the presidents of a state, they can veto bills and create policy. They greatly affect the people of their states