Would you vote for me for President of the US, if I were to do the following:?

1. Adopt the Canadian medical-care system in every detail. I'm sure Canada would be happy to help us.

2. Institute the metric system of weight & measures, thus bringing us into alignment with the rest of the world.

3. Bar the entrance into the US of people who are not better than our citizens, because we don't want to go down farther -- we want to go up.

Michaelaaaa :] <32009-06-27T11:48:46Z

Favorite Answer

I agree with point one, question the benefits of two, and disagree with three. What do you mean, "better than?" Is one person not created equal to another? And I believe we should live and let live. Not only is it the way the world was meant to be, but it's practical. Having the U.S. idealized as the country who will allow immigrants to live happily as our own would increase our allies, thus increasing our imports, thus stimulating our own economy in one way or another. I do find it potentially beneficial to switch to metric, however it seems impractical to completely flip-flop the way measurement works. All items currently in stock at stores as well as in production would have to be revised, as well as architectural projects, governmental projects, and community projects. The switch seems like something that should have been done a long time ago. Hope this helped. ♥


I will not vote for someone who will hurt us economically and restrict our freedoms. If you implemented #1 you would do both. Also where would all those Canadians go who need urgent health-care,Mexico?


nope - and #3 sure did make me decide (though with #1 I said no).


i only like your second thing

good guy2009-06-27T11:55:31Z

not a chance, sorry.

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