I have a cat that doesn't like people- it lives outside, we can't catch it but we feed it.?

It's one of those cats that should be brushed each day- but of course isn't. It's fur is super matted-to the point that i'n sure is very painful for the cat. What do we do? Can't catch it, I don't know where he hangs out all day. I've tried cutting the mats off but I end up really scratched up! What should I do?


Favorite Answer

take it to a professional groomer. cats claws are very dirty and you dont want to hurt yourself while trying to help it out. However, it sounds as if the cat is feral. As sad as it may sound, feral cats often won't be tamed. The best advice I can give is to use a safe trap and take it in to get spayed or neutered, and continue to feed it. Often if you explain you are fixing a feral cat, they may do it for free or at a reduced rate. It is possible that the cat with mellow enough for proper grooming in time.


I agree with the others, definitely call your local humane animal centre. They will come with the humane cat trap and they will groom and spay the cat. You're doing a great thing by feeding that cat! When I was living at home with my parents, we took in a feral cat, it's been 12 years and we still can't pet her! She'll come in the house and eat but that's about it! We had to call our local humane animal centre to catch her and spay her!

It takes a long time to get a feral cat to trust you, but you are doing a great thing! Good Luck!


I think its time that you got help from your local sanctuary or if you manage to catch the cat, take it to the vet who will sedate it and groom it.

The cat could be cat scratches because the mats are hurting it.

TBH if it was me I would get a sanctuary in, they will set a trap for it. They will then make sure that its fixed, vet checked etc before rehoming it.


Call your town or a shelter to borrow a humane trap and set it up with food inside and when the cat goes in the door closes behind him. That way you can take the cat to a shelter or vet and get him/her shaved down. Its the only way to make it safe for you and safe for the cat.


heres what you do...get a dog. the dog will chase the cat out of town. you now have a new REAL pet (the dog)