Why do the Dems need the Republicans to pass health care?

The Dems have 60 Senate seats and a lead of 40 seats in the House. They have more than enough to pass it without one Republican vote. Is this just a ploy because they never planned to actually pass healthcare? It is to good of an election tool to get votes to lose by actually doing it? Will we here in 2010 that it was all the Republicans fault and they need more Democrat seats to pass it, then just blame it on the Republican again in 2011 when it fails to pass.


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everyone knows its the moderate Democrats that wont pass real socialist health care because we will have to pay for it and then the Demos would lose power its that simple btw Demos they may have saved your butts because getting the far lefts agenda passed would destroy the Democrats as soon as the next election rolls around


Not all of the Dems agree on the exact stipulations of the bill. If every single Democratic seat approved of the bill, the Republicans wouldn't have much say in the argument.


Your right on key with this one. Another view point could be that if this was passed how many dems would have a job come next election time, or how many Americans would go postal.
I guess AARP shouldn't have back them on this looser.

Sara T2009-07-27T10:43:46Z

Because then that would be something else the would blame on the Republicans. They don't want to take credit for it. So that should be a warning to the American people that something stinks in Washington.

Big bill 222009-07-27T12:13:51Z

The lefties will need someone to blame when their policy's fail. If the Republicans go along then they can say it was bi partisan.

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