Would you be offended if...?

Would you be offended if a family member told you not to cut your kids hair a certain way because they claim it makes them look like a 'retard'?

This happened to me this morning because I just my sons hair short, like I always do. I got very angry and was told I was over reacting. I thought it was offensive.


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I'd get offensive too.
That's not right.
Don't mind them, its your child.


The comment certainly says something about the person. Without ever having met him or her, I know that they are most likely not very well uneducated, insensitive, and rude in general. The very use of the term "retard" is not appropriate because it shows a lack of sensitivity to people in the world who have learning or developmentally-based disabilities. And to say such a thing to you is simply rude. If it was said in the presence of the child, that's even worse. If the picture posted by your ID is a picture of your son, the hair looks just fine and not too short. It's not all shaved off down to practically nothing like what some parents do to their kids.


I like the clean cut look on boys. I comb my son's hair over, and I think it looks nice and adorable! My sister-in-law is always making jokes when she sees him. "Did mama comb your hair like that again?" Or, "It would look like you had more hair if mama stopped combing it down!" She says it with a smile and a laugh but it's still offensive.

Her son (my nephew) is 2, almost 3, and she lets his hair grow out so that he can have that shaggy look, which I don't really care for, but I never tell her that.


I would tell that person this is my child not yours so I will cut he's hair the way I want. I hate when other people including family members tell us as parents how to raise our children. Lol Your son looks very cute.


Well it depends.. does the haircut actually suck? haha.. some mom's get cutting their kids hair, and trust me.. a lot have nooo clue what they are doing.. being a hairstylist lol.. i mean, what they said could definitly be taken the wrong way.. depending on the persons sense of humor and what not.. id just let their comment roll off of my back.. choose your battles.. it probably isn't worth it! tell them that he is your son, and you choose the hair styles! good luck!!

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