One can have and be peace within themselves. Isn't that enough?

If it is not then one must look upon themselves, ask themselves do they really think they could create a better world, then the one we have? There is no problem, all is as it should be.

Ask yourself why do you want everyone to live within your perspective, to be as you want them to? And would it truly be good for everyone to be the same?


Not really talking about contentment, rather striving to change those things which one can change. Everyone wants world peace but few are striving to be that peace. Yet they want everyone to be like them. I feel this world is like a schoolhouse and I would never force my thoughts upon another. Things are as they should be, and if they weren't, they wouldn't be.


Favorite Answer

Few there are who have authentic inner peace. As long as ones perceptions of opposites exist they live in the world of duality. The false belief in the ego idea is at the heart of duality and inner disturbance. Inner peace comes only to those who are not identified with a self. The desire for independence from the whole is the cause of anger, jealousy, hate and suffering. They wish to change the world to verify their belief system of self-righteousness.


All is not as it should be for two huge reasons: the human race still adopts a religious view and a political one, both of which separate rather than integrate. Also the human race STILL uses and keeps precious words like ethnocentrism, monotheism, rich, poor, etc. We cannot excel when we are stuck in stupid. I say 'stuck in stupid' because we don't realize how important it is to be complete within ourselves and NOT holding prejudices, stereotypes or false beliefs above compassion.

I can't imagine expecting everyone to live exclusively by my perspective; however, if one cannot accept that we are all different and not to be offended if I don't share their perspective, then maybe all can be well. Until then, we are at a great loss within ourselves and interacting with the rest of the human race. The same in only a few respects. For example if we all realize the word 'god' is just an earth-bound term, it DOES NOT apply to any other planet or solar system; that the human race is only one of the many 'races' the cosmic creator experimented with; our planet is not doomed to complete extinction to start over because life is still held precious in a small handful of individuals who will never die and continue to teach us that eros is wiser thinking than thenatos . . .

Eros is the life continuance eternal flame sort of thinking; while Thenatos is the destiny of death and mortality being extinguished within the physical realm. Both concepts are ideal for the human race to either succeed or fail. This could begin the travel into a peaceful world co-existence with everyone in all the cultures realizing since we are of the 'human race' there is only minimal difference between us and those should be respected.

I discovered thanks to Jesse Ventura, that the 'echelon' of seven individuals are the ones who do not want true co-existence, just control. One has to remove the word control and no longer act on it as it too, separates us not integrates. No one should be a slave to anyone ! You are not forcing your opinions on others just graciously voicing them, and that is the beginning of peaceful co-existence.

Things can be so much better if we just all come together leaving our political platforms, our religious boundaries, our ethical practices per culture and make ourselves likeable, trustworthy, competent and strong. I hope I have helped and that you come away with this feeling great about sharing and being part of 'those that matter will make change' . . .

sharing the light,
miss erica hidvegi,
the enlightenment advisor

Jessie D2010-01-08T04:00:09Z

If there is nothing but this life, and we are just a chance why must we wory about creating a better world for everyone else? Why not look out for ourselves. Servival of the fittest. If this is all there is should our goal in living not be to content ourselves? Enjoy life until we lose it, then it is done. Depressing isn't it. Yet, if one believes that this life is not all there is, one finds that one has a goal besides surviving. If there is a "life after death" then one would certainly want to ensure that one's life then is good. I personally believe in the Heaven and Hell "life after death." If we were created, and there is a possibility of eternal joy or eternal pain when we die, we definatly have a point in life. We have to find a way to ensure we have the eternal joy. Have you ever wondered where the idea of morals come from? The belief in a God who wants your obediance was where that came from. The fact is that all make mistakes. And the God I speak of is holy and just. No sin can come before him. So if we all sin, and anyone who sins goes to hell, therefore we are in trouble! Now that sounds even more depressing! Yet that idea is not over. Along with the belief that there is a just God also comes the idea of His Son, Jesus. I believe that Jesus came to earth and died. The reason this is significant is that Jesus never sinned! There for He did what the Jews did simbolicly with their sacrifices of animals. The animal was innocent yet it was to die in the one offering it's place. So that is what Jesus did. He came to earth, died and (get this) rose again! So the thing that makes this belief more optomistic is that there is an accual porpose in life. If we believe and follow Jesus we can go to eternal paradise when we die. Why do you think so many people willingly died durring the ten magor Roman Christian persecutions. If life is just to enjoy it, then why give it up willingly. Also there is someone in your life that you love. Everyone has one. What exactly is love? If you love someone, you will put them first. Love is self sacrifise, putting their welfare before your own. See the classic example of a mother with her child. This Idea came with the belief that there is a God. For not only is this God just, He is love. What else do you call sacrificing your self for others to enjoy eternal paradise? So one can compare, Live life for yourself and die, or live life for the Lord and live eternally in paradise because He loves you. The choice as far as hope is obvious. For more information see a Bible.


Contentment doesn't foster progress, in my book. I don't want everyone to live in my perspective...but take it into consideration in hopes that it might combine or change into an idea that DOES help someone.


Absolutely not.

All discourse is good discourse brother king.

Keep it flowing do not be afraid.

But mind you, my arsenal is 'prepped' a lot... even the playing field...

um, raised (by<-left this out...sorry for the Freudian slip!!!!!!!) strong women, grew up with legos and built regardless of the combo of colors, played around with imagination, grew up in sunny diverse south florida as a 2nd gen immigrant amongst other upwardly mobile immigrant families, mind you you need to be able to stream line social construction to make it big, intimate encounter with rise and fall of matriarch yada yada ya...the myth can go on forever as a waste of practical time...

I'm sorry to not be able to even it up some more... good luck on the discovery as I fund you through empiricism!

...but see, who indeed really wants to hear one's history when you can be making it?

What's exciting is that as the World turns, new peeps wake up (or enter sleep) to log on here....better than coffee; helping all of Her out is worth it until I shhleep or run out of points to spend on questions (gotta keep answering lol).

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