Is it liberals or conservatives who blow their inheritances?
in the Hamptons? I believe the former spends it while the latter accumulates wealth.
in the Hamptons? I believe the former spends it while the latter accumulates wealth.
Favorite Answer
Any one can make money. It is a matter of discipline to keep it. This has nothing to do with liberal vs. conservative or democrat vs republican. You will find poor and rich on every side.
Smart Kat
When my aunt dies, we all 4 got money from her. My oldest two brothers (one very liberal, one socially very conservative) probably put it into savings or something like that. The brother just older than me (socially conservative) just used it for daily living and has nothing to show for it. I (Libertarian) paid off my college loan.
I don't think this divides neatly along conservative/liberal lines.
Probably both, unless your a Clinton in the Hampton's and live off the tax payer.
Shadow Knight
Depends on the individual. The common determining factor for spending profligately is stupidity.
They tend to be more conservative when they have their wealth, and more liberal when they lose it, having achieved nothing, in need of the government's support.