Setting up a magnetic field?
For my project my idea is to grow a small plant in the middle of a tomato cage that is electrically magnified. So i was going to build a tomato cage using iron, and then wrapping insulated copper wire around it, and see what the affects would be on the growing plant. My issues are:
1 - I'm going to use a Voltage regulator plugged into a power outlet to maintain constant current but how much will i actually need is the question. I know it's determined by the length of wire and how big I would like the field, but i don't know the formula or how to figure it out.
2 - What kind of field would a tomato cage wrapped in just one wire even generate? Would the the supporting legs and each ring going up the side to give the cage its shape create opposing fields? Where would be the positive and negative sides of the field? Should i use just one long wire and a lot of amps or several shorter wires with less amp? Or is there a better idea all together?
As you can see i have a lot of questions about this. So any information would help, thanks.