... CBO says the healthcare bill now is going to cost 115 billion more than the administration claimed?
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's new health care law could potentially add at least $115 billion more to government health care spending over the next 10 years, congressional budget referees said Tuesday.
The Patriot2010-05-12T07:58:07Z
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No, but the reforms are going to cost less than both no reform, and those reforms that the GOP wanted to bring in.
I do not understand why so many Americans have fallen for lies about healthcare in the USA, abroad and also the planned reforms [1]. I mean, if the healthcare system in the USA is so good, why have no other nations taken it up? Could it be due to the following facts? FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [2]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [3]. Or if the US healthcare system is run so well, why not run the fire service like the healthcare system? [4] Maybe that is because in the USA, insurance companies push up costs, buy politicians and refuse to pay claims that people pay for [5]. (Look up Wendell Potter on YouTube to hear more if the link below is too long.) Obama wants to make insurance cheaper, stop insurance companies from refusing health coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, and make sure they pay out when they are meant to [6], a system similar to that which works in Taiwan [7]. He debated this before he was elected [8]. Is it right that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, Cuba, Germany and so many other industrialised nations with universal healthcare? If you think my arguments are wrong, e-mail me with proof. But if you can not, let Obama try to help America. If he fails, vote him out in 2012.
Oh, the number will be triple that amount and still millions and millions will have to pay and will be denied healthcare. Not just the elderly either. Kids, young adults, anyone with an expensive disease will be told they will be put on a list and will die there like in other countries with socialized medicine. Every person other than the elite rich will be only one illness or sickness away from their casket from the day they are born.
no i am not surprised!! wait until all health insurance companies go bankrupt and out of business? then where will you get nsurance or be fined if you don't?? the answer is obama the dictator!!! he will then have the power to rule over every american!!!