Muslims - Why don't you get outraged at depicting God?

I have a serious question for Islam and I mean no offense.

Why don't Muslims get as offended by the depiction of God, as they do Allah or Muhammad?
Don't Muslims believe that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same 1 God..thee God?
Muslims may call him Allah..but isn't it the same God?

If so, and I may be wrong on this...
When a Cartoon or Sitcom makes fun of God.. why don't Muslims come to the aid of their Christian and Jewish bretheren and defend their honor and MORE IMPORTANTLY, the honor of their God?

Seems inconsistent to me. A friend and I were discussing it. Neither or us are experts on the Islamic faith..but to us.. it is the same God.
So if a certain cable TV show makes fun of the Christian God, aren't they actually making fun of the Muslim God?

Shouldn't any attack on the Christian God eilicite threats and rebukes from all Muslims as well?

I don't actually WANT more threats to be made.. but I just found it odd.

Am I wrong in my understanding? Please correct me.



CrazyAbtGregHouse ~

Thank you for your posting... I was hoping for answers from a follower of Islam and not people giving un-educated responses.

I DO know enough about Islam to know that A) Not all Muslims are extremists.. very few in fact and B) Islam teaches peace and that Jihad is often an inner struggle, not an outer one.

But I do wonder why they are so upset about depictions of Muhammad and not God. To a non-Muslim, mocking God should be worse then mocking his prophet.
But I can understand if that is a cultural difference.

James O2010-05-15T04:52:25Z

Favorite Answer

i agree that that is odd:

since Allah (SWT) means God in Arabic ( and in many languages including maltese,the language of a catholic country )

and is used by Arabic speaking Christians and Jews for their Revealed God Who is the One Eternal Infinite (now Universal) God of Abraham shared with Muslims

Muslims should be much more upset at the mocking and insulting of God than of Muhammad (PBUH) whom they insist is not to be worshipped or in any way set above Allah God.

Also, Muslims seem not to protest or take offense when Jesus (LTX) is mocked ( which is much more common than mocking Muhammad) and ISSA/Jesus is the 2nd most revered prophet in Islam

Also, many Muslims seem to go ballistic at the slightest hint of a slight against Muslims but they tolerate Non Muslims being murdered, oppressed and discrimminated against in their societies with almost no voices of dissagreement ,let alone strong protest for or solidarity. with the "infidels" among them who were often there centuries before Islam arrived.
Praise Allah the All Good , Most Compassionate and Full of Mercy that there are a few exceptions


Muslims would like you to think that Allah is the God of Abraham, but this is not so. The God of Abraham is a father figure, a partner in the Abrahamic covenant, and repeatedly refers to his church or his congregation as a groom refers to his bride. Abraham's God allows Humans free will, including the choice of whether to accept him or not. He does not trumpet his own praises, but allows others to do so.

Allah's personality is inconsistent, demented, sadistic, and authoritarian. He views humanity as slaves and requires their submission. He spends his time in hell dreaming up new tortures for those who anger him. He is a dangerous, unpredictable psychotic who needs serious help, and should be avoided by anyone with any common sense. He is constantly reminding us that he's merciful, forgiving and powerful - even though his actions speak otherwise.

These are not the same being. Likely Allah is a fictitious alter-ego of Muhammad, since we know knothing of Allah except what Muhammad tells us. Indeed, a casual read of the Quran makes it hard to tell who is talking, Muhammad, or Allah. Frequently Muhammad would forget and speak in the first person, and later editors had to add "Say. . ." to the beginning of verses to make it sound like Allah was talking, not Muhammad.

Allah does not mean "God". That word is "Illah". Thus the Arabic statement of faith, "There is no Illah but Allah." Allah is a proper name, given to the head god of the Meccan pantheon before Muhammad was around. Muhammad's father was Abdallah, which is "Slave of Allah." Allah was the family's patron God.

Since Islam is a personality cult centered around Muhammad, Muslims are naturally indifferent to anything that does not threaten their central figure. Since Muhammad and Allah can be so laughable at times, the cult requires that critics be eliminated. This was practiced even in Muhammad's time, when a harmless female poet was killed while suckling her baby, and a 90+ year old man was similarly assassinated - their crimes being that they publicly derided Muhammad, and made fun of his ridiculous claims. If the Qaraysh of Mecca had a functioning legal system at the time, Muhammad should have been tried, convicted and executed for these crimes, and 1400 years of misery would have been avoided.

Jihad is NOT a struggle of conscience!

Hadith Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2 Number 35:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The person who participates in (holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariya going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause."

Well, there its pretty clearly spelled out: I’m not aware of many people who die in a struggle of conscience. Jihad is specifically called for in the Quran (9:5)

Adullah M2016-05-10T21:31:47Z

You make a good and reasonable worth to be considered.
My comment is only on the point that ,if the Jews and the Christians believe in the same GOD ,the Lord of all the worlds then they also should belive in the same GOD as of Muslims then believe in the religion of Islam ,the only one true religion of gOD send to all HIS Prophets from Adam,Noah,Abraham ,Ishmael,Ishhak,Jacob ,Joseph,Moses Aron ,David,Solomon,Ezakel,John the Baptist,Jesus and the last Messenger of GOD Prophet Muhammad (May GOD be pleased with them all)
So one day they would come to the common term ,as related above ,then they would join together in prasing the Greatness of GOD the Lord of all the worlds.May GOD let this be so in the near future.


I'm a Muslim, and ideally depictions of God are SUPPOSED to be more offense that that of the Prophet. I personally don't get offended by depictions of him, because I think it's stupid to expect other people to ascribe to the tenets of your own religion. Let me tell you something, truthfully - while depictions of the Prophet do make most Muslims uncomfortable, they don't get so outraged about it as to make death threats. It violates one of the most fundamental tenets of Islam - peace. While the media may have believe, with taking select and incomplete verses from the Quran, that we are supposed to wage war against 'infidels', nothing could be further from the truth. Fighting should only be done in self defense. And you shouldn't force anyone to ascribe to your faith. "Let there be no compulsion in religion" - direct AND complete quote from the Quran.

On a side note, I do believe that everybody worships the same God. Maybe I'm naive, but I do. And I also know, that God didn't say, the sun will only shine on Muslims, or Christians, or Hindus. The sun shines on everyone. We're all human. It's just these stupid so called Muslims who **** up the religion and take it out of context - they don't represent Islamic faith, the same way pedophile priests don't represent Catholicism.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I am so sick of all these incorrect depictions of Islam. Yes, I have problems with my faith, but you can find them in any religion. (And to be fair, the only "Muslims" - I use that term loosely, because I don't think radicals are true Muslims - that get media attention are the crazy assholes who say girls shouldn't go to school, whereas the Prophet clearly states the females have equal rights to education on several occasions). Your question isn't offensive at all, just shows what a poor job we Muslims do of representing our faith. And I do think it's stupid that while they get all up in arms about some little drawing, they feel perfectly okay making fun of Jews and whatnot.

Sorry for the rant, hope I've answered your question somewhere.

EDIT: I agree, I wish I could tell you why people get more offended by depictions of the Prophet than God. I think, and I'm not sure, that they see Muhammad as a symbol of Islam, and take any affront to him as an affront to Islam specifically, as opposed to insulting God, which would be an offense to all religions.

I also asked my dad, and his response, is that we DO get offended at descriptions of God. He also said we get offended at depictions of Jesus and Mary, because they too are sacred to us. He said that, in his opinion, we don't mind jokes about Muslims themselves - hell, you should hear the way we talk about or mullas - but something like a drawing offends us because it's a sacred symbol, and we don't like any disrespect to that symbol, and ideally we shouldn't like disrespect to other sacred symbols like Jesus and Moses. He said the reason Muhammad is special, is because he's the LAST prophet. Jesus, Moses, Adam, Noah...they are all highly respected in Islam. Hope this provides further clarity.


Muslims , Jews and Christians do not worship the same God. Common sense tells you that.

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