Is Jupiter highly underrated in modern astrology?

Jupiter is linked to the 'higher order' of the mind, to philosophy and broad understanding. It encompasses many different ways of thought and demonstrates understanding on a wide level. It is linked to expansiveness of the mind, to journeys, to knowledge.

A positive Mercury/Gemini placement is often attributed to a quick mind. But if Mercury/Gemini is quick with numbers and words, wouldn't Sagittarius/Jupiter be quick with understanding broad ideas and philosophies? What are details if we cannot relate them to the wider universe? Why is Jupiter not hardly taken into account when looking at a person's intelligence, insight, or ability to grasp different concepts?

I find it strange that Jupiter, the largest planet of all, linked to Zeus the overseer of the Universe, seems to be somewhat... pushed to the side in astrology (at least in the more pop studies of it). It is by its very nature grand, positive, and knowledgable. Have we thrown aside wider knowledge in favour of details, and thrown aside expansion of the mind in favour of material excessiveness?

Do you agree that it appears Jupiter is underrated? Why do you think this is so?

Thank you.


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In respect to why Jupiter seems underrated, I don't know for sure. I think it might be our society. Though people are interested in financial success, I think the main modern interest is on sex, dating, pleasures and appearance. While reading the questions and answers on here, and looking through the most modern astrology books in the stores, I can conclude again that the main interests regarding astrology are those subjects.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that there's no emphasis at all in the expansion and success that can be had by using what is shown with Jupiter's aspects in a chart. It's just that many Jupiter aspects still require some studying and work on the part of the person involved. Once the dreaded words "hard work" are mentioned, I think most people return to those more engaging subjects of sex, dating, pleasures and appearance. I think some people have the idea that Jupiter is about winning the lottery, inheriting a fortune, or being lucky in getting the best job available without putting some effort into it.

When I was younger, Jupiter was a big focus for me in planning out my second career. I was already working in a specific career, but felt I was outgrowing my fascination with it. I had been into Sun signs, but I was slowly getting into full chart analysis. I was very interested in the idea of making a higher income, so I started putting focus on my Jupiter sign, placement and aspects to discover how I could best find success. Not everything has been a bed of roses, but I found what was said for those Jupiter aspects to be mostly accurate. I guess once I reached a place of satisfaction, I focused more on other things in my chart, and not as much on Jupiter.

You're inspiring me to focus more on Jupiter in the future. I'm in the process of finalizing yet another career involving Mercury. I was delighted to see your question standing out like a lighthouse beam.


Very interesting!

I personally relate with my Jupiter placement, A LOT more than many of the other planets in my chart. I have always had that type energy, no matter what the situation. If you are referring to insight mental expansion, it's definitely a pronounced figure in my chart.

I think maybe the reason Jupiter is not really considered to be overly "personal" in Astrology, is because it lie's outside of the asteroid belt. However, I have read that it stays in each sign for about a year, so I do find it to be a more personal planet than the other's, some of which take MANY years to complete a cycle.


Jupiter is the mediator for the energies of your personal planets and the higher octave energies.It is a neutral energy.When we speak of Philosophy,expansiveness,extremes,higher thinking etc...we can clearly see the melding of principles at work. Jupiter creates The Self Development according to what condition the energies are in and what it has to work with.

Jupiter is huge for a reason,it has a big responsibility and if Jupiter is afflicted in a chart ,the energies can be extreme and the natives personal religion becomes vulgar in it's expression.

If Jupiter is in a healthy state Luck as some call it,is inevitable ..the energies working well together will attract abundance and what we want in this lifetime. Notice ,I did not say Need...Jupiter is Benefic.


I rate him in the same catagory as Laxman or above Laxman has a modest average of 40 and a failure in England , Sri Lanka ,SA and almost eveery where except few good inns against Australia...Samare has more double centuries(all away from home agaist pakistan) , centuries and a far better average so saying he is NO WHERE near Laxman is rediculous However Younis Khan is much better player than both Samareweera and LAxman whether its tests or ODIs. Samare always played under the shadow of Maiya and Sanga but saved SL in numerous times..but in SA series he changed that to an extent..EVery other team that toured SA recently got bowled out for under 50 but SL survived thanks to him

Sweet Dreams ◕‿◕2010-05-30T20:56:37Z

In western astrology I DO think it's underrated.
But in Chinese astrology it's not. I think that Mercury sign is more into intellectual stuff than Jupiter.
Jupiter is like pushed to the side because it's big and just considered an outer planet.

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