Finger stiffness ( join near nail ) all 8 fingers are stiff and cannot bend when i wake up. This is from judo.?
I did something to my fingers 2 weeks ago in Judo; for the last week my lower finger joints (all 8, near nail) are stiff and cannot bend when i wake up. they regain after 1 hour or from putting them in hot water, and cycling hot/cold water baths. Its 10 days later, and now only one or two fingers finger on the left hand is stiff cannot bend when i wake up but is fine after 30 minutes... Any thoughts? Is it ok to go to the sauna? Any risks/benefits from going to the sauna?
This is from doing randori in judo and the gripping with the fingers.
Oops i went in the dry sauna for 75 minutes at full heat